Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Sent: Jun 19, 2005 21:02
Subject: Excitement

As I type this (if you can call a Blackberry a keyboard) I realise that I'm
excited. I have no idea why. I'm on a plane, right at the very back of
course, ahh well..

Made an error earlier, called Roxy, the X, ok maybe not an error, at least I
don't have pangs, I called Mumsie first then her, neither answered at the
time, so I left messages. I think it was pre flight jitters. So Mumsie
calls back first, about an hour in, (didn't seem that long at the time) Roxy
called, chatterty chat, mostly inconsiquential stuff, "I'm fine, works
crap", the usual, but her health appears to be getting better and by the end
I had the testies to ask if she was still married. "Yes, unfortunately",

I'm starting to feel glad I'm out of it, not all the time yet but there's
breaks in the clouds, Huntsville is helping imensly, she seems to like me,
and I can't deny that I'm mad about what we shall call "the great escape"
that's were our intrepid hero legs it to San Diego three of four days before
the wedding for some quite time on the beach before the day of madness. Aye
I'm really exited about it.. Oops the drink lady has asked me to stop.
I'll try again later...

Sent from Krave's Blackberry


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