Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Easier to read or what?

Changed the layout in hopes that my non existant readers will find it easier when the non reading of my ramblings..

So it's just occured to me that I'm going to be without electricity for four days.. This is rather shocking. It's gonna be like survivor! 12 cast aways fending for themselves for four days. Do they have enough booze? What about toilet paper?! Do ya have any idea how often.. never mind, must take the pepto and the vitimins, this could be freakin' hellish! :) I might need a day off when I get back!

I went shopping with L last night. She being an experianced camper an' all we rushed around Wall mart, no browsing the massive amount of stuff. Probably a good job cos I still managed to spend a small fortune! Of course on the plus side I now have a massive three man sleeping bag! *snicker* With flannel lining no less! Hee-hee

I should actually be set for the rest of my camping career except for the tent bit, I'm not ready for that yet.

I really hope I get on well with these people, I can see it now, upsetting someone the night before rafting and "accidentally" being thrown out of the, err.. ship? Boat? What the hell do ya mean inflatable raft?! *grin*

Should be interesting. *shudder*


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