Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Beer, Water, and Burns


I didn't realise how badly I was burned until I got home and started thinking about having a shower.. At this point I can't raise my arms above my shoulders :) Don't get me wrong, I deserve everything I got, I didn't have a single hangover, even though I seem to have been drinking beer all weekend. So much so in fact that I seem to have done the nail on my middle finger in!

Campin' is great. What can ya say when theres 9 of ya scattered in three tents with four coolers full of beer and ice and you spend all your time that your not doing something, drinking, talking or sleeping? Awesome :)

Horses on Saturday was pretty cool, Old Newt(on) was one of the slimest which I think helped with the saddle soreness, felt good when I got back, except for the cold. Being out in the mountains for three hours plodding through the mist can be rather chilling, appart from that though I had a great time ;)

Oh that was the night that I was introduced to Smores.. Oh somores :) Two Grahams crackers sandwiching a block of chocolate with a freshly cooked marshmellow in the middle.. Ahh, heaven :)

Then there's rafting. Gotta tell ya, I was feelin' like "the man", with my cutoff wetsuit showing my tattoos (everyone else on my boat either had a full wetsuit or had a jacket on under there life jacket), ahhhahhh! Boy wonder attacked those rapids paddling along until the first hole and then the boat capsised. The only boat all day to through everyone out.. I'll post the pictures as soon as I figure out how.. :)

That was the only time though and that was the boats fault, even the guide got thrown out, and there usually the only people left in a boat :)

So got thrown out once and I think I prefered the horses. Don't get me wrong, if it had been later in the year I would have been happier, the water would have been warmer and I wouldn't have been as cold when we had the three quarter hour layover at lunch.. Ahh well hind sight and all that. :)

Strange things going on.. I might have been glowing (before the tan), cos I think the two single girls that went as well were flirting with me.. *shrug* That I was flirting with them goes without saying to anyone that knows me :) What do I know, it was nice though. Nothing happened of course. Ones only 19 and the other kept passing out too early to get a "move" in on, lol, Player that I am, *snicker*

All in all I see good things for the summer. Must make plans to go to Put It In Bay, Surely's never been, hee-hee, should be fun.

Just checked out Mumsies blog and she hasn't mentioned the two hours we were on the phone on Thurday night.. I don't remember most of what I said like, since I went out for dinner and had a couple of beers to help the packing ;) I do remember that it was poiniant, and deep. Always deep me :)

K, first day back after a long weekend, I better get some work done.


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