Thursday, September 08, 2005

Freakin' Doctor Phil!

From a shitty beginning I now have some perspctive again, this morning. As the guy said, "lifes too freakin' short to put up with this shit!" ;)

Yeah I know perfectly well that I'm deluding myself! *grin* But what the hell, if it helps me get through this little bit, what the hell!

So I have to tell her. No matter how awkward it'll be. I can't be her freakin' crutch anymore, she has to relise that she is paying the price for the life that she want's to live. She can pretend that there isn't a price by making me pay for it - oh and the interest for non payment - but I'm not helping her by doing that. She has to know what it is that she's doing. Yes I will miss her horribly. Isn’t this basically why I stopped smoking?

Yep. I was doing something that was toxic and addictive, that was messing me up. I knew it would be painful to stop but it would be better for me in the long run. *sigh* But bugger me if I'm not gonna miss her! *sniff*

It’s her choice though, no? If she want's you in her life she has to get rid of the nasty, simple as that. We can't both be in the same relationship.

Bollocks. I hate it when I have to take my own advice!


Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Advice is better with a tequila chaser.

September 8, 2005 at 2:13:00 PM EDT  

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