Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hopefully this will post correctly

I want to come back, honest I do. I find I need an outlet for some
random shit that's floating around in my head.

For example;

A couple of days ago there was that shooting at Virginia College. After
the initial "That's terrible". I realised that I wouldn't be able to
watch or listen to the news for the next 24 hours because there would be
nothing but; minute by minute updates, live from the scene. Which is OK
I suppose. It's when the reporters run out of new information and they
start groping around for stuff instead! I don't need to know that the
killer was stopped for a speeding ticket nine days before and no. I'm
sorry. I don't believe that being 20 miles an hour over the limit is a
pointer to his state of mind. Blah!

I keep thinking, "why the hell are they surprised it happened?".
There's no way of locking down what amounts to a small town (30K people,
including students, teachers and employees). And lets face it, since
911 and the Iraq situation, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than
33 people killed to raise my gorge.

A social commentary that is out of place.