Wednesday, December 13, 2006

OD'ed on the family, thanks. Speak to you in another three months..

Ok, after literally months of whining about none of my family wanting to speak to me.  It got to the point that I thought I was being ostracized!

Now it wasn't the kids, an' them.  No, it was ma dad and my brothers!  The bar-stewards!  Not a peep, I sent em mails.  I tried calling, all to no avail. 

Yesterday, I thought to myself, "I'll give the old bastard another go".  Meaning my dad of course.  I even managed to remember to get the call in early so that he wouldn't have slipped into his afternoon, err, "entertaining", lets call it. 

So he was in, in bed and "reading" (actually taking a power nap), so he was rather spritely.  Turns out my Granny was there as well, so it was a tad too much family time.  He was good enough to look at prices for flights to Spain so me and Teacher can come and visit.

Teachers going to start bouncing off the walls soon.  Probably as soon as the tickets are in our possession.  Ahh well.

Doctors tomorrow.   They want to check on the sleep apnia.  Must say I've never felt better, I don't think I've been this productive in years!  Now if only there was actually something to do!

Oh yes, that reminds me.. Must mail my boss and ask him where he would send me if he had the choice to move me..


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