Monday, November 27, 2006

Now I know it's my fault

I know. 

"Holy shit Krave!  Where the hell have you been?!  It's been months!  You can't tell us that you went without the Internet for this long.  Nor can you tell us that you were traveling and couldn't blog!"

Bugger, seems I'm too honest.  Ahh well.  I don't know why I stopped.  I think I got tired of whining   every day.  It was bad enough hearing it in my head without having to type it out as well.

OK enough of that, instead, why am I back all of a sudden?  I don't know if I am back, but I realized that for a lot of my friends and family this is the most convenient way for them to see what I've been up to.  And coincidently to confirm that I'm still alive and kickin' :)

Soo, what's been going on..

Bought Teacher a Macbook, yes the world trembled and I fell to my knees gasping, but I got a great repayment rate and she'll be using Mac's at school next year, so what the hell.  There's also the nice perks like for $100 she can go in once a week and get training for an hour for a year.  Oh and did I mention, "I can't help you darlin', you'd better call the Service Desk"  *grin*

Surly's MIA or should I say MINW2 - Missing in Never Winter Nights 2 - he should be making an appearance again soon.  Probably in the early New Year when he's finished building and needs beta testers :)  Miss ya mate ;)

Oh.  Also on a techy note, got myself hooked up with a cable modem, no more 88k downloads for me!  Ha! Now it's consistently 600k, thank you very much!

I think I need to start a my space page, everyone else appears to be on there now.  Aye by everyone I mean all the people that Teacher knows are on there, so surely there will be strange people out of my murky past - Teacher knows all about my murky past, I think - Ahh perhaps that's not such a good idea then :)

Basically I'm happy and stable.  The sleep apnia machine is working wonders most of the time.  Still having trouble every now and then adjusting all the straps so it fits properly.  You don't have any idea what I'm talkin' about?  Perhaps this will help;


I'll have Teacher take a picture of the headset, since she enjoys taunting me with, "I am your father Luke" most nights as I'm trying to go to sleep.. Ahh well so is the price of love I suppose.

Till next time. 


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

You so deny really wanting a Mac and just using me as an excuse to have one.
You also tell me to do my Darth Vadar impression everynight to "comfort" you.

November 29, 2006 at 10:09:00 PM EST  
Blogger Krave said...

I thought we had been through this and you weren't to tell the "whole world" about the bedroom stuff.

Since you've let the cat out of the bag, or the genie out of the bottle, tomorrow's blog is about Dutch Ovens..

November 29, 2006 at 10:28:00 PM EST  

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