Tuesday, September 19, 2006

With nothing else to do I scribbled here.

There I was.  Just sittin' here waiting for something to happen.  When I realised that I hadn't spoken about the EVENT!

I can hear you now..  "Event?  Or EVENT?  Why is it in capitals?  Oh crap here he goes.  He's bored again.  Do you think he's sleeping properly again?"

Well smart ass, it's Capitalised because it's one of those things that I've been waiting for, for a very long time.  And no I'm still not sleeping right, the bloody receptionist for the doctor called and told me they had lost my results.  Bastards.

Anyway, I.. I mean We, went to the drive-in on Saturday night.  What a time!  What fun!  How freakin' cool is it to sit in your own car, with all the luxuries of course, stuffin' your face and guzzling drinks and abusing the movie without having to worry about other people!

Unfortunately we saw Arty Lang's beer league - horrible boys and girls horrible - here's the best bit about the drive-in though.  Even though the movie was horrible you can still entertain yourself.  Your not stuck there!  You can wander about!  It's a double feature after all!  They next one is bound to be better than this piece of shite!

We went and looked at the "concessions stand".  Did I mention that they run commercials from the 20's, 30's and 40's?  Along with all the hissing and popping on the soundtrack.  Advertising items that no longer exist.  That probably aren't even legal anymore!

Loads of exclamation points.  And why not, my mate just gave me a new mother board and chip so I get to rip shit apart tonight and hopefully it will all work when I get it back together again!

Oh what was the other movie?

Mother fuckin' Snakes on a Mother Fuckin' plane.  Great movie, more than made up for the other pap.  Ummm Papps :)


Blogger Snooze said...

I haven't been to a drive-in in over 20 years. They are fun.

September 24, 2006 at 7:01:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

It was a fantastic time! So very American :)

November 27, 2006 at 1:32:00 PM EST  

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