Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Not too shabby

I must say that it's been quite a good day all in all.  Started off slower en shit but sped up just before lunch.  Gotta love it when toys arrive with your name on em!  *grin*

Nothing that exciting mind, just a couple of plugins for Firefox and this rather niffty tool I'm using to post this entry.  I'll try it for a couple of goes and if it's any good I'll pass it on.  So far so good though!  *grin*

Also just found out that the boss is going to be out of the office again.  What's up with that! I only find out these days becasue I mail him and his out of office comes back saying to contact me, if it's urgent!

Ah well at least it makes life interesting.  I need that, I'm coming to realise.

Missing Teacher as well.  She txt'd me this morning with "I need food and sprite".  Code for I have a horrible hangover and there making me get up before 5pm!  Made me smile ;)

Also final preperations are being made for this years Rat Boy Open.  A huge charity piss-up with golf carts.  Err I mean, a wonderful charity golf outing. 

Can't wait..


Blogger Greg the Surly said...

I think i'm going to make an extra trip to the Driving range. I'll give you a shout if I do.

August 16, 2006 at 2:58:00 PM EDT  

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