Monday, June 26, 2006

Lessons leaned. I hope.

How is it that I can go from being completely out of my mind with stress to completely content in the space of a couple of hours?

Of course I have a reason for asking the question.  It seems that I may be a tad unstable.  Or maybe I have other shit going on in my head that I have no idea about.  Hum.

So Friday I not only talked to my Mum, but also my Dad.  I tried for the little brother but no luck and no idea where the middle one was.. Ah well.

Watched King Kong (2005), it has to be one of the strangest movies that I’ve ever seen!  Most of it your sitting there going, “oh please God let this end!” then something happens and your into it again, then it seems way to long again.  So on and so forth!  Oh, it still wasn’t as bad a Chipotly – err, maybe that’s not what it was called.  Hang on.  Ahh after much searching it’s Capote.  What a depressing load of crap.

-edit:  The middle brother called from Tunisia on Saturday, which was rather cool.  He was spazzing cos the wife and kids were coming out to visit so he had to get all his work up to day.  It was really nice talking to him.

Anyway where was I oh yes.  So Saturday Surly came out of hiding with a vengeance, armed with his cheesy dip and a the chronicles of  Narnia, we had a cook out.  Actually it could have been called a barbeque since it actually involved doing more than turning it on and flipping burgers.  Well that’s what it looked like from my spectators position.  A couple of Teachers friends came over as well and they had the full Monty going on.  Steaks and Prawns and corn on the cob.. Ahh it’s so nice watching a master, he hustled the lot up in no time, all of it was cooked properly.  By which I mean that there were no charcoal brickets.  Very nice.

Now we may have got a bit out of control as darkness fell.  The neighbors had a broken dresser on the tree lawn.  After a quick chat to confirm that it was indeed trash and not, as some of the guests were thinking, a donation.  We set about smashing it to crap and gone with a 12lb sledgehammer.  The resultant shards were used to christen the fire pit.  How very nice.  Fire, full belly and beer.

As you can image Sunday dawned a tad lumpy.  It seems that I may have indulged myself a bit too much in both beer and lactose based products.  The whole day was spent with the unpleasant feeling that everything was going to fall out at any moment.  Even though things started out slowly, Teacher was up and moving soon after we got up and she set about cleaning.  

Cleaning seemed like a great idea, I really must have been hung over in retrospect.  So I jumped in as well.  Did all the dishes from the “dinner party”. While she was doing the bathroom.  All was going along nicely, when.  Well let me put it this way.  You know you sometimes have them jobs that you’ve been putting off, but.. Alright no excuses.

The caulk in the bath was all buggered and I’d been putting off redoing it for months.  Mainly because I didn’t know how to do it.

So Teacher is in the bathroom when all I hear is “Oh.”.  You know the OH that I mean.

Sure enough she was enthusiastically cleaning the bath and the caulk popped out.  She’s looking at me all worried.  I tell her not to worry about it and start pulling all the rest of it out.  I cleaned it all up and put some new caulk in – I told ya I’d been putting it off – it actually came out really well.  I have to do it again of course, or at least I think I’ll have to because there was water behind some of it.

Then I decided in a fit of madness to clean the fish, the poor buggers were almost out of water.  So did them as well, all was right with the world.  I thought I’d done really well.  Shit I’d completed jobs that I’d been putting off for months, right!  Now I could sit downstairs, watch tv and nap for the rest of the day.

I had neglected to take into account that I had promised to help Teacher take stuff to her sisters jumble sale (garage sale).  This is where I started to loose it.  I’ll make it up to her I promise.

Lets just say that I was a grumpy miserable, hot, sweaty, smelly, piece of shite.  Of course I couldn’t have a shower – the caulk was still wet, a little fore thought would have been nice.

Four hours of pain and misery for all concerned, later.  I had a shower, shit and a shave.  Oh and had something to eat for the first time all day, I was a much more reasonable human being.

The moral of this sad and poignant tale is this.  As soon as you get up after drinking, eat something you ass!

Teacher.  Again, I apologies for being such a complete ass.


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