Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Well bugger me, I feel "right" again!

Well bugger me.

After months of what I now believe was Roxy “leaning” on me, I feel like myself again.

I know how that sounds, but what can I say?  Even before Mumsie called to say that the baby had arrived, I “knew” and the relief was palpable.  So much so that when she did call there was no discomfort at all while she told me about it.  My biggest concern was how tied she sounded.  She had been at the hospital for hours.  I remember only too vividly how that goes :)

Anyway I feel like I’m back.  Bigger and better.  Yee-har!

So where have I been?

Yeah sorry about that.  The training was Ok, the hours though were miserable.  Thank God for the people that I met though.  Turns out that the people were the only worthwhile thing about the whole thing.  Or at least that’s how it seems at the moment.  I suppose we’ll see when my people rate me *grin*  So last week was long days and no drinking.  Well hardly any. :)  

Started moving Teachers accumulated stuff over on Sunday – What happened to Saturday?  Well I was out of the game for three days!  You don’t think that my addiction would allow me to go another day without playing do ya?!

Oh, yeah.  Didn’t I mention it?  Well.  Teacher was going to try and go back to school to get her degree so that she could actually get a promotion.  Stupid system if you ask me.  Get paid a pittance and you have to get another job to go back to school – or like her friend who has to go to school full time and get jobs on the side to get some form of qualification.  What the hell is up with that.  “Sorry but you are going to have to stop earning hands on, real life experience.  Why?  Oh, because we want you to learn theory instead.”  Messed up.

Sorry anyway she (Teacher) was going to go to school at night for the next five years to get her degree.  So I said.  

Why?  Your basically living at my house.  If we made it official and we gave up our very convenient (for those long nights out drinking) other home you could save yourself rent there, instead you can do stuff round the house and garden for me.  The utility bills haven’t gone up any since you’ve been here so that’s no biggy.  However, I can’t stand gardening.  Or cleaning or shoveling the driveway in the winter.

So a deal was struck after she got over the shock of it all.  She’s got twelve days left of work, then she’s going to go part-time and go to school three days a week.  Poor bugger is crapping her self!  *grin*

I see that your shocked by this rather large change of events.  You shouldn’t be.  I’m sick of dating broken women.  

The people that I usually date have problems.  It seems that I have a knack for fixing them at least to the point that they feel that they don’t need me as a crutch any more and they leave, mostly fixed and looking for the next big adventure.

So now that I’ve found one that isn’t broken – at least no more than me! – I’m not going to let her go so easily, if that means a little investment, so be it!  *grin*

The problem I’ve finding is that because she isn’t all buggered up, I tend to over do it sometimes.  Ahh well, what can ya do?


Blogger jc said...

Yes darlin' those two are ads. But this isn't. Congratulations on your decision. BUT, don't you dare make Teacher into a snow shoveler and gardener. It's called partners. That means you BOTH do those things. What's the expression? "For the common good". A little mumsie-ism? Hugs!

June 19, 2006 at 4:21:00 PM EDT  

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