Friday, June 02, 2006

Finally! The Nutter is put in his place!

Strange days.

I had another meeting with the Nutter. This time I was fully prepared. My boss had pusaded me to be the sacrificial lamb to be on site with him tomorrow. Went into the meeting at 2pm all braced for more inflamatary comments and abuse. But no. It seems someone must have had a quite word in his shell like ear. Suddenly he's all compomise and sweetness and light.

Could that have anything to do with the call to HR earlier in the week? Nahh, they had a proposal going on and needed the server up over the weekend. Ug-huh. Bloody nutter.

Now the plan is nice and stable. He's writing up a plan. He's spreading the migration over a week! He's going to do testing before he actually commits then to a lost cause!

Oh and after the meeting I confimed that we could give him his own fiefdom and we would never have to support it ever again. Oh and by the way nutter - Fuck you!

Ahh that felt better :)

Going out to dinner tonight with Teacher, Surly and our friend from Florida. Should be fun! *grin*


Blogger jc said...

Krave, you're always such a delight! I hear your accent and see your smile when I read your words. We're due for a phone visit to catch up. Hugs to you and Teacher! -Mumsie

June 4, 2006 at 4:53:00 PM EDT  
Blogger HotDudi said...

Hey, I hope u guys had fun the other night :-)

June 5, 2006 at 9:37:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

JC: Aye it's time and past time to catch up.. I'll try and squeeze in a call :)

Hotdudi: Yep, had a great time, thanks for askin' :)

June 5, 2006 at 9:53:00 AM EDT  

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