Thursday, June 01, 2006

My day by bored.

What a bloody day. It was one of those annoying bastards that you have heaps to do but don't feel like ya got anythin' done.

Turns out looking back that I got quite a lot done actually.

What? You want to know about the follow up meeting with the Nutjob? Where I explained in the face of his rightous indignation, basically, tough shit it aint gonna happen mate. Not with you flying by the seat of you pants anyway. I'm gonna step out an' let the management talk about it.

What? You would like to know about all those women that asked you out? Well what's to say? I was asked before the conversation with the nutter. The invitee was up from Florida and wanted to catch. Unfortunately the other two are from the same site as the nutter. I can see it now. Had a couple of beers and the next thing my guard is down and I'm slagging off the netjob veteran. Infront of his fan club. *shudder* Or even worse they feel the same and agree! Nah, I'll pass, thanks.

What? You heard a rumour that Surly had surfaced? That's right he did! Amazing, how you do that. Yes he popped back up, must have read my whinning yesterday :) Woot! Anyway looks like his problems are starting to sort themselves out. For which I am glad. Made a "date" for this week to see the Xmen. Teacher's completely disinterested - I know! I don't get it either! Ahh well her loss.

Oh yeah and the window guy cam round to measure me up. Strangely he also found another window somewhere. When the sales guy came round we all walked around and found 11 windows that needed replaced. The Master Installer gadgey comes over and suddenly there's another one in the spare bedroom! Yes I have a spare bedroom! Never mind as the Master guy said, the sales guy should throw the extra in for free cos he messed it up! Ha! We shall see..

Well that's it then. My day. The best bit of a blog is that you don't have to tell the other half how your day was. You can continue staring mining out all the Plagioclase in the universe and she can catch up at her own speed and all without having to worry about missed details.

Who the hell am I trying to kid, what actually happens is that they ask first then compair what you tell them with the written version! It's great being a couple :)


Blogger HotDudi said...

Hey, I missed u! But I don't know u well enough to say that yet...

Oh crap I just did!!!


June 2, 2006 at 6:42:00 AM EDT  

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