Monday, May 08, 2006

What's life without stupid? Boring!

Been trying to write for almost a week now.  Nonsense keeps getting in the way.

For example, Wednesday had to go down to the Nutjob’s site.  You remember the ones.  “lets dismantle a perfectly good environment and put this experimental one in place instead.”

So I get out there by 4:30, Nutjob wants to shut everything off at 5.  He hasn’t told the user population specifically.  Instead he wandered around a couple of hours before and “told them”.  As it happens most of them were happy for the excuse.  They were all working on proposal stuff and had been working 20 odd hours for the past week or so.  

That sorted, and feeling at a loose end – after all, I don’t have rights to do anything – I start reading my book.  At the same time calculating what time I will be able to bugger off home.  It was another lovely evening.  Seventy odd and sunny.  *sigh*

I won’t go into detail.  It’s very arduous and boring, even for those interested in the technicalities.  Sufficed to say, after his initial bragging about products that I have been using for over a year.  He pulls out the manual for the “magic software”.  I ask myself “surely he’s read this already?”  Nope.

He finally gets the thing working.  An hour before I’d figured out that it was going to complete in 16 hours.  I was off.  It was estimating 19.  Ah well.

As seven O’clock rolled round it found me climbing into my shiny new car, leaving Nutjob to watch his beast.  He finally left and had reverted everthing by 5:30 the next morning.  I had a nice email say that the migration would be happing in the way “we” had discussed.  Bloody amateurs!

The nonsense here wasn’t the experience.  Oh no. The nonsense was the Blackberry.  I’d been keeping a running commentary on the situation.  It was some of my most sarcastic writings.  It was wonderful stuff.  Especially since Nutjob thought I was reading email. Hee-hee.

I get to work the next morning looking forward to posting this brilliant missive and it’s gone!  The freaking Blackberry deleted it!

And so it was for the rest of the week.  Back now though, feeling a bit homesick after talking to BabyBro.  Shit.  He got engaged over the weekend!  *sniff*  They grow up so fast these days!

One worrying not though.  “Please don’t let Eldest have her tongue split”  How I shudder when he said that.  Piercing are all well and good.  Even stretching I can see, but that tongue splitting is nasty!  

Shit gotta go.. More nonsense.


Blogger HotDudi said...

Phew! That's a relief hayens...splitting definitely looks painful & what's the word I'm looking for...? Urgh! piercing sounds like fun tho! ;-P

May 15, 2006 at 4:35:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

Wow! And? *grin* That's two for and how many hundreds against?!

May 16, 2006 at 10:51:00 AM EDT  
Blogger HotDudi said...

Ooops! I'm not helping very much am I dad!?!

May 16, 2006 at 5:02:00 PM EDT  

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