Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What a bloody day, it's all good though! *grin*

What a bloody day.
Edicts coming down from on high, mountains of paperwork littered my desk, strange requests from the Eldest.

I was going to write a huge pithy entry.  Instead you got this:

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Eldest -  says:
hey can i get my tongue pierced cos mum says no!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Hell no!  Speak to Creature Teacher first for some stories..
Eldest -  says:
y not!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Now, be careful with the tone!  *grin*
Eldest -  says:
Eldest -  says:
i rlly wanna g it done!!!!!!!
Eldest -  says:
Krave, the patient father -says:
I'm told that things like to grow where it's dark and moist..  *shudder*
Elest the un-pierced -says:
Elest the un-pierced -says:
like i sed 2 mum, if u say no now ill jst go n get it done wen im 16! i dnt need an adult then!
Krave, the patient father -says:
*snicker*  Good luck with that.  I can see you now living under a bridge..
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
yeh they already told me id hav 2 move out if i did
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Krave, the patient father -says:
Poor baby  
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
pretty please?!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
mum sed if grandad syas yes i can get it done...Like thats ever gonna happen!
Krave, the patient father -says:
lol, why d'ya think she said it?!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Eldest the un-pierced -says:
i mean it! im gonna get it done when im 16!!!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Yes dear.
Krave, the patient father -says:
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
but if ya gave me permission it would be even better!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Until ya mother got a hold of me, or even worse, my wallet!  *grin*
Krave, the patient father -says:
Patience darlin..  
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
but ive waited 4 ages!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
the thing i want looks so kl!
Krave, the patient father -says:
define ages..
Krave, the patient father -says:
Get a clip on!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
a month or 2
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
no cos evry1 wld no it wsnt real!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Yeah that's ages alright!  lol
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
it is 4 me
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
its over 5 months till my birthday tho, in total thats 6 months!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Have you been stamping your foot and stuff in frustration?
Krave, the patient father -says:
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
not yet, but ive been wining
Krave, the patient father -says:
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
Krave, the patient father -says:
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
the voice has been going higher
Krave, the patient father -says:
Oh dear I may have to post this..
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Eldest the un-pierced -says:
ill give u permission 2 blog about me if u give me permission 2 get pierced!
Krave, the patient father -says:
You really are too funny.  I had water come out of my nose that time!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Krave, the patient father -says:
What happened to just getting your ears done?  I know.  Mods are cool and all that but still!  We had to wait til we were 18!  That's messed up that is!

Eldest the un-pierced -says:
i dnt like ear piercings, sounds rlly sore  id rather get sumthin else pierced tbh!
Krave, the patient father -says:
What?!  Ya think it's gonna be any less painful?!  Ya wuss! lol
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
nah i jst dnt like ear piercings, they freak me out
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
the only reason i hav earings in is cos there stretched!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Please!  Your killing me!  I have a stitch now!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
im jst bein honest
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
ppl will be lookin over their cubicals 2 check on ya in a minute
Krave, the patient father -says:
It's all good, your just making me laugh too hard is all.
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
Krave, the patient father -says:
Indeed, if it wasn't 70 degrees out and past 4   There all off playing golf!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
not out gettin piercings?
Krave, the patient father -says:
Unlikely, although they're all over 18 so they can do as they please   Oops!  That's right your not!  Sorry about that..  *grin*
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
stop it!!!!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Krave, the patient father -says:
See there you go again!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
Grrr i jst want a piercing!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
ya wont even see it! its in my mouth ffs!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Why not get one between you toes instead?  That way you can actually watch the nasties growing in the piercing!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
euwww thats gross!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
it will shut me up 4 a few days! my mum kinda liked that idea
Krave, the patient father -says:
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
this is wot my m8 bob thinks
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
Babbens :: says:
so u been up to much?
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
nope, jst begging
Babbens :: says:
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
my mum, paul and now my dad 2 let me get pierced  
Babbens :: says:
Babbens :: says:
Babbens :: says:
u see
Babbens :: says:
i have beaten u to it
Babbens :: says:
i have spread bobism
Babbens :: says:
to the maybury family
Babbens :: says:
all i need to do is convert the corrupt child

Eldest the un-pierced -says:
and now my frienHow could this be done, By such a smiling sweetheart. says:
so tell him, well, il become a hooker... get money for it that way... and when im 16 il get it AND il get my eyebrow AND nose AND staple... etc...
d katey

Krave, the patient father -says:
I think I need to have a quite word with your little friends.
Krave, the patient father -says:
No.  I have a better idea
Krave, the patient father -says:
I'll just drop a line to your Grandad..
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Eldest the un-pierced -says:
ill jst hav 2 convince him 2 then wont i!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Yeah!  Good luck with that!  Ask ya mum how he reacted to her "tame" piercings!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
if u give me permission tho he wont b able 2 get you! i can survive in a tent! mum has a front door she can lock!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
ure safe!
Krave, the patient father -says:
SUUUURRREEEEE I am!  He knows where I live!  He has lots of money and lot so of friends!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Krave, the patient father -says:
Krave, the patient father -says:
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
ya can come n live with me in my tent if ya want  wiv my new piercing
Krave, the patient father -says:
Krave, the patient father -says:
No comment
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Eldest the un-pierced -says:
Krave, the patient father -says:
Don't take a hint do ya.  So here ya go.  Nope, no, no-way.'
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
how not! i need a reason other than grandad!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Shit!  No ya don't believe me!  Just ask him if you don't believe me!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
i believe ya but i need a reason!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
i rlllllly dnt take a hint!
Krave, the patient father -says:
Missed a comma in there somewhere, should have read
Shit!  No ya don't, belive me!  Just ask him if you don't believe me!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
ah i c
Krave, the patient father -says:
*grin*  Night darlin'.  Luv ya.
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
one more time! prettttttttty please?!
Krave, the patient father -says:
*snort*  MORE bloody water!
Eldest the un-pierced -says:
if thats wot it takes!
Krave, the patient father -says:
It's not but nice try
Eldest the un-pierced -says:

Sick Spasmoid From Outer Space says:
right g2g now, mail me if ya change ure mind
Steve E. says:


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Dear Eldest... Don't live your life by these words "It seemed like a good idea at the time" It's hard to believe but you will probally regret the tongue piercing because all it does is make you talk funny and get in way, clank on yr teeth..if not chip yr teeth and people will be annoyed by you because yr always messing with it in yr mouth. Listen closely to people talk who have them and they talk funny. Not to mention bacteria is a big problem in yr mouth a human bite is the worst bite you can recieve (trust me..i've been biten several time from students!) and every doctor has told me that. Please really really think about what you want and the side effects. I've had regular body piercing in weird places and I know the pain when they are in infected and just "fall out" because they are infected and I took good care of them..they depend on your body type also. I ended up taking out all my piercings (except belly) because you get tired of being careful and cleaning them. You should save yr money for a nice tatoo instead....yr dad can't say no to that because he has them himself!! JUST KIDDING KRAVE!!!
Really think about it before you excommunicate yr family over a piercing.. tents are not fun to live in..I really do know!!

April 19, 2006 at 5:49:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

oh i have holes and flesh balls (bad lack of better terms haha) from where the piercings where....sounds fun and cool huh?

April 19, 2006 at 5:52:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

Holy mother of God! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!

FLESH BALLS?! Freakin' Flesh what?!

April 19, 2006 at 6:02:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Krave said...

Excuse me miss, mind if I check your flesh balls?

April 19, 2006 at 6:03:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

I said "bad lack of a better word!" no one will ever read any of yr comments again! haha

April 19, 2006 at 9:15:00 PM EDT  

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