Monday, March 20, 2006

What the hell?!

It would appear that Krave hasn't been in recently. The body has been coming to work but the mind is other wise engaged. Same at home I suppose, I don't really remember.

It's the games. The nasty side effect of being a gamer is that sometimes the addiction gets too much. Especially if there is nothing going on at work. As it's been for the past couple of months. Shit I haven't even had anything to blog about. It's all.

Went home. Plugged in. Leveled. Went to bed. Woke up. Considered calling in sick. Went to work. Looked for helpfull gaming hints. Read some of the book. Went home.

Nothing interesting about that you might think. Unless your living it! Ha! Then it's vibrant and scintillating! I can't wait to get home! There is litterally nothing to do at the office. I'm excited these days when I have a machine to rebuild - for those that don't know that is one of the most meanial jobs to be found in my line of work.

Ahh well. Spring is here. It's been a year since I stopped smoking and I'm not going back! The birds have started nesting in the tree in my back yard, so the morning choir will be starting up again soon.

And joy of joys! It looks like the allagies have started up again! Whoo-hoo!

Just wanted to say, that I'm not as miserable as my postings may make me seem. I'm just bored shitless at work, where I have to spend most of my waking hours.

Perhaps it's time to find a new flavour of Linux to fiddle with. That always seems to keep the mind busy..


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Anything else nesting?

March 20, 2006 at 3:15:00 PM EST  

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