Thursday, March 02, 2006

Oh wonderful pills!

Good Lord!  I'm positively bursting to post today!

I caved in and went to the Doctors yesterday.  The realization that I had been sick now for over two weeks sort of jolted me into action.  The fact that Teacher won’t come near me for fear of catching coodies.  Not that I blame her.  It seems that I have single handedly infected 3 quarters of the office. ;)

So I went to the Doctor and he not only gave me industrial strength decongestants and antibiotics but he had the nursie syringed my ears out as well.  It’s amazing how much sound is carried in the higher ranges, that I can now hear again.  Awesome.  I won’t mention the ¼ inch plug that they.. oops.

It’s amazing the difference between this semi healthy and the road kill feeling of Tuesday.

I swear there was more that I wanted to say..

Oh.  The missing birthday present from my Mum.  Turns out she didn’t really want me to have it and sent it to my old address, this way it’s being sent straight back to her.  At least that’s what the nice lady at the post office said.  We shall see.

Nope can’t think of anythin’..  Later.


Blogger Snooze said...

those ear plugs are quite amazing and yet fearsome things.

March 2, 2006 at 10:47:00 PM EST  
Blogger Krave said...

I was horrified! Who knew such things could get so long and out of control?! God only knows what the pet tapeworm looks like now! *grin*

March 3, 2006 at 4:06:00 PM EST  

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