Monday, February 20, 2006

Day 3 and four?

So the unofficial reason for the trip, at least for me, was to pick up some of that wonderful Yuengling stuff.

unfortunately we indulged a bit too much last night. Went to this absolutely superb bar and restaurant - Fat Heads - in the trendy part of Pittsburgh. Had a couple of beers, then went looking for more. Little did we know that most of that part of town closes down at 11pm on a Sunday.

Damn. After hunting round for a while we discovered this little out of the way place. Turned out to be a student bar. Oh and unfortunately they were doing Karaoke.

Now Teacher and her friends really like Karaoke
, and after the lemon drops were popped. Oh they went down so very nicely. Any way there was loads of drinking and loads of singing. We were some of the best - of course - not that I actually sang, of course. :) Not known for singing is our Krave. Of course when I started singing along to The Darkness, they all started staring at me strangely.

I was feeling rather good this morning, the same can't be said for Teacher. She's been feeling like crap all day. In fact she's still felling like carp. As I write this she's lying on the sofa groaning and moaning. Poor baby.

So just before we came home we went in past what I have come to believe is flatpack Mecca. Ikea. What an amazing place. Even with a dodgey belly I was still getting goose pimples as I ogled the living room displays and the kitchen displays. Oh my god. Then there was the nicknacks! *shudder*

Anyway, Teacher bought me a rolly kitchen table thing for me to put the micowave on. Built it after the after drive nap, while making her dinner and doing laundry.

I am man see me build! Awesome!

Alright, tired, going to bed.


Blogger Snooze said...

Welcome back! Are you making Teacher something microwavable so you can test out the new table?

February 21, 2006 at 12:48:00 AM EST  
Blogger Krave said...

Fanks :) Great to be back :) Didn't get to, the table took too long to make. Wish I was more handy. She says she could have done it in half the time! *grin*

February 21, 2006 at 10:22:00 PM EST  

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