Thursday, February 16, 2006

What a great night. Although she threatened to take me to a "fast" Streakhouse - you know the type, you get to stand in line for 45 minutes, they sit ya down, eat and get the hell out. All nice and clinical for a Friday or Saturday night.

Instead of the fast and furious she took me deep into the Getto. To a student-esc oasis where there were loads of little cafe's and little "international" bars. There she took me into this little out of the way resaurant. Very, very nice. Couple of beers. Just what the doctor ordered.

Went to see her sister so she could drop off the little Valanines presents for the kids - is that just and American thing? I would have felt really odd if my auntie had give me stuff for Valentines.. Anyway that was nice, on the way to her house though there was a strange "thwang" noise, followed by a thunk, thunk, thunk. When we go to Teachers house, she wanted to check her mail and what-not - oh that reminds me I have to send in that rebate. Back in a sec..

OK. The $60 rebate form is filled out and now I just have to post the little bugger.

So while were at Teachers appartment we look under the bonnet - language reversion! - and the serpentine (what used to be called the fanbelt) is frayed and part of it is whiping the underside of the bonnet. I cut the offending piece of belt with the intent of putting back in the shop today.

That's how the day's been. As planned got my tags and a shiny new driving license - amazingly enough I was in and out in twenty minutes. Having failed in my attempt to convince Teacher to say home from work because she wasn't well. Honest she isn't, but she was humming and harring, then went in anyway. She did try and get my lazy ass out of bed, under the pretense of "being productive".

I think she was rather upset when she called at 10:30 to find me in line for an emmisions check. *grin* I really like her way of thinking though ;)

So I'm now sitting at work while they fix my car. I was standing around outside for an hour until they finally took my car in. Hopefully I should hear from em shortly.. But there mechanics.. I may never see it again..


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Do you think I would dare to put you on a horse with beer in you after last friday incoherent babble noise you made for 30 minutes? I may be a bit dim but i'm not crazy! I certainly won't put myself in an embarrising momement of you falling off the horse , crackin yr skull open and another 30 minutes of babbleling from you!!cheers

February 16, 2006 at 4:50:00 PM EST  

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