Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Moving and those apprentice blues

What do you think the odds are that I’ll actually get to move today?

Flashback to Friday

We see Krave on his hands an knees in front of the new office manager, quietly groveling to be moved out of the cube of doom.  He doesn’t believe he’s sensitive about the noise and cold because he used to have an office.  After all most of the time people would take refuge in there with him.  Thereby negating any quite or privacy.  No it’s simply sitting next to people that have been sitting in a are with nobody around them for too long.  They no longer have any cube etiquette.  The bastards!

So after much groveling and giving of favors and electronic goodies, he gets himself reassigned one cube adjacent and two cubes down – wow that was like describing a knight moving in chess!  Krave the Horse.. err I mean Knight!  He recons that sitting in that cube will be quieter.  In fact when he was doing work down there for the temp, the volume was at fully unbearable at his cube.  He had to turn his headphones up to dangerous levels to blot out the latest catastrophe in contracts and procurement (Left and right), while behind him the strange loud man, he’s mentioned him before no?  No?  Oh well the guy that sits in the next cube over has sometimes been spotted in the local titty bar where she-who-shall-not-be-named works, worked?  Everyone else in his area, however had fallen to the axe man so for two of the three years he was sitting there he had free reign to talk as loud as he wanted.  Blah!

Damn!  They distracted me!

Oh, yeah so I’m moving cubes, hopefully it will be better.

Finally got to visit Mumsie on Sunday.  Dropped off the laptop I got for her.  She seemed to be chuffed, which was very cool.  I took pity on her and left Windows on there as she requested and didn’t slip a flavour of Linux on there ;)

Yesterday was a waste of bloody time.  Don’t get me wrong, it was a glorious day and if I had to waste it by driving 120 miles yesterday was the day to do it.. Bloody annoying thing was, that it was like I was a bloody apprentice again!

Get down there and realise – in the first 10 minutes mind – that I need my PC, that I have left in the office.  Do as much as I can, come back.  Go back down realise that I need something else.  Come back.  Ah crap where’s that thingy!  Oh.  In my desk.  Crap!  Three times there and back.  Ah well, live and learn.


Blogger jc said...

I don't even know what Linux is, so I suppose it's a good thing you took pity on me. Of course, now I need to know.......Hugs! Mumsie

February 1, 2006 at 12:03:00 AM EST  
Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Accidentally Forgot something? Riiiight.

February 1, 2006 at 10:00:00 AM EST  

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