Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ya know you've had a day off because..

First off, thanks to those that commented.  It’s nice to have people care enough to comment.  Or at least note your existence ;) Also sorry not been on for a while.  I seem to have had writers impotence, err I mean block.  I just couldn’t think of anything what so ever to write about.  I know, “it happens to everyone”.  *snicker*

So came in today.  I took MLK as a vacation day.  Since the whole New Orleans thing didn’t work out.  I got the day off.  It’s amazing.  For years I blow off MLK day as a waste of a day off.  After all you get heaps of days off over the holidays.  What with Christmas an’ that.  Now that I actually took it, it’s ace!  I feel renewed and refreshed!

So I bounce into work – on time – and lo!  It took me three quarters of an hour to wrestle my machine into working order!  Bastard thing.

Then the Librarian comes over and tells me all the stuff that she’s done since the last time that she saw me, which was oh, err Friday!  *sigh*

Not to bad though.  We had a massive power outage in the area on Saturday.  I love the UPS that I bought from work.  Saturday morning, 30 blocks in every direction went down.  There I was playing on the PC for another hour before I popped into work to check on the servers.  Brilliant.  Went for breakfast, when we came back my power was back on and the game was still running!  *grin*

Gotta love having your own server room!  (Does that make me a Nerd or a Geek?)


Blogger Greg the Surly said...

You Chuckles, are a nerd, and a certified geek, but i suppose thats what gives you your charm. Glad you had a bit of quality time.

Movie night this week?

January 18, 2006 at 9:00:00 AM EST  

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