Friday, January 06, 2006

Should I stay in or should I go?

I don’t know if I’m ready.  First off, Teacher's been going on about me not spending enough time over her side of town.  Why would I?!  Oh.  Balance.  Harmony.  Fairness.  OK.  Got it.

So we’d sort a got a game plan together for tonight, basically go over to hers after work, so she could show me how to do a night out on her side of town, on the cheap.  Made a complete cluster of the checking account and basically have to live “small” for a while.  This rather than the usual living “large” that I seem to do so well.  

So my complaint was that when I go out by my house I spend like $30 to $60 a night, depending on if I eat or whatever.  Over by her it’s more like $100+!   Now I realise that mainly this is due to knowing heaps of people on her side of town, etc.  But still!   So she says she can show me how to it on the cheap.  Always a willing student when I have to learn, I’m willing to learn.

Now we come to the crux of the problem.  The new season starts tonight on the SCIFI channel.  Yes, I’m a raging nerd.  So freaking what!  Some times my life is way too real and I need a bit of escapism :)  So last year at this time, Surly and I would get carry out from the local steak house, pop a couple of beers and spend the first part of the evening in front of my 57” TV.  Then off to the bar for a couple of hours.

Shite.  Tivo will record it, Surly’s all sick and stuff.  I’m goin’ out with her!  Ha!  A decision!  Thanks Blog.


Blogger Snooze said...

Living lean, eh? No more pumpkin shoes for you! btw - tell us how it goes on the other side.

January 7, 2006 at 3:31:00 PM EST  

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