Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Woot! I survived another Hogmanay!

Just re-read the Christmas story post.  I realised that I had completely missed out all of the derision and bad language.  Which is ironic since I sent someone over the edge with derision and bad language, just after the bells on Hogmanay.   So much so that she felt that she had to leave and now she “hates” me.  Ah well.  No loss.

“Oh come on.  You can’t just leave us hanging like that!”

*sigh*  Alright.

Teacher has this “friend” we shall call her Salty.

Before I begin, I would just like to say that I couldn’t give a tickers cuss about Salty either way.  I neither like her nor despise her.   She simply is.

Anyway we were all pretty far gone by the time the ball dropped.  There were about a dozen of us at Teachers place.  We’d been playing Cranium earlier, good fun and some giggles.  The smokers kept disappearing for extended periods.  You can see where this is going already can’t ya.  About 11:30 we decided to start playing drinking games.  It’s funny when you don’t feel drunk how easy it is to loose at such games.  Sufficed to say, Krave went on the rampage for the last half hour.  

The ball dropped and all was fine.  Shortly after Teacher is outside have a non-smokers smoke.  You know those people that “only need to smoke when they drink”.  I don’t have that kind of  self control, if I start there’s no bloody stopping me!

I’m coming back from a pee when I notice that Salty and this scruffy bastard (a strange friend of Teachers allegedly)  are all nice and comfy and puffing away on smokes.  Now as a re-reformed non-smoker, I may have over reacted a bit.  OK.  I went ape shit.  

“Wow.  What a bunch of filthy ignorant c**t’s you lot are!”, says yours truly.    

For a moment the four people in the room simply stare at me, which of course gives me an opportunity to continue in the same vain.

“How fu**ing rude is it to smoke in someone else’s house when they are smoking outside?!  You filthy smoking c**t’s!”

I admit that that last one might have been off the hook.  I should have replaced the “C” word with Bitches!  I realise that now I’m sober, it must have been the blood speaking.  Happens when I have a couple.  I slip back into Scottish ghetto.

Next thing I know, this huge argument starts.  Salty can’t decide what she is more upset about.  The fact I used The word or that someone had the audacity to actually tell her she couldn’t do something.  

Enough said.  She stormed out, and once her bloke explained that she “hates” that word.  I tried to apologize.  She was already in her car and ripping down the drive way.  Ah well.   No loss.

The reason for writing about it is to remind myself that Aberdonian ghetto mouth can get one into trouble.

Apart from that incident everything went quite well.  Those of Teachers friends who are a bit more worldly explained to the rest of the party that if they go to Europe they will be bombarded by such language, “so it’s not really Kraves fault”.  Nice of them I thought.  I will remember them in my prayers :)

I got to bed about 5:30, Teacher had passed out around 2.  Poor girl was worn out.  *snicker*

I must remember to write about the BJ bank tomorrow or later today if I have some time.

Happy new year to you and yours and I hope that you get a fair share of happiness this year.



Blogger jc said...

Krave, you are absolutely hysterical! I spent my New Year's Eve with my gay buddies again. One straight lady with three gay guys. At least it was a safe place to be, and we had laughs watching Reno 911 DVD's, with our champagne. Hugs!

January 4, 2006 at 1:08:00 AM EST  
Blogger St. Dickeybird said...

Use the C word to it's fullest!
I love C, but still use it where 'bitch' isn't good enough. Not that I find it's an insult, just that most of the world does, so they understand me.

If she's a C, call her a C. If C insults her, she's a C.

January 4, 2006 at 10:47:00 AM EST  
Blogger Krave said...

JC: As always, thank you :) Love Renio 911 as well!

St. D: At last vindication! Ha! I can now tell em all what I really think of em! *grin*

January 5, 2006 at 9:02:00 AM EST  
Blogger Snooze said...

You're right - I hear cunt used far more regularly in Scotland. People need to grow up anyhow over that word. Like Dickey, I use it when I really want to offend people because I know they'll just freak out.

January 7, 2006 at 3:35:00 PM EST  
Blogger Snooze said...

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January 7, 2006 at 3:35:00 PM EST  

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