Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Christmas booze ramblings

Strange day, after being abducted by the Librarian, to do a remedial job it a remote site. They love me there. The boss man came up to me all smiley and happy, shook me by the hand and said.

“Hi! Have a piece of chocolate”, he says pointing to the Brandy filled chocolates on the receptionists desk. “There from Germany, God knows how got them in past customs but there they are! Have one!”

Since I’ve been ogling said candy delights for the past twenty minutes while waiting for the Librarian to come back from checking on my work – she was talking to customers while I did the job. Just to keep them off my back of course. I had already realised that the rest of the day would be a freakin’ nightmare if I had a couple of those little silver wrapped fella’s. I had a flash back to Christmas sometime in the 80’s when my dad brought some back. He worked offshore on the oil rigs and stuff, so he would sometimes have these chocolate liquors, at Christmas. Along with Drambuie, oh my God, Drambuie. How many Christmases have I spent smashed under tables after sneaking too many nips of that wonderful nectar of the Gods!

Err, anyway the bottom line is that I went to school smashed – I think I may have taken my manual typewriter to school, or was that the time I did Scrumpy – after having five of the little fella’s. *sigh* Ahh those were the days!

Oops. I just realised that my children may read this and wrongly believe that it’s OK to consume alcohol before going to school. When in fact it’s OK only so long as it’s in the form of candy.

So I had to turn down his offer for Chocolate liquors because I didn’t know if I would be able stop at just the polite one. The Librarian was all over them like a rash when she was offered. Holy crap she even nipped the top off and emptied it like it was a test tube shot (where the hell did I find that link!). I was impressed.

Been all over the place with this one. Sort of how the day went. Did I tell ya about the guy that may be out to get me, because I deleted three years of his mail? I did ask him twice if I should delete that folder and he said yes both times. Only after did he say,

“Could you start up mail now to make sure it works?”

Freakin’ ass! 5pm on a Friday night when I shouldn’t have been in work, because I was still sick! What the hell did he expect?! *sigh* Sorry, that was a touch of professional guilt kicking in. I usually try and suppress it. It must have slipped..


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