Monday, December 05, 2005

Monday ramblings

Snooze is right.  I feel like shite and this is the second week.  The cold has moved into my head and chest.  Of course I don’t smoke anymore, which is awesome since I wouldn’t be able to breath either if I did.  Yes I’m trying to look on the bright side.

Had the first real snow this weekend, of course we (Teacher and I) were out at the works Christmas party.  So the half hour drive back was interesting. ;)  Fortunately she was in full recline with her mp3 music blaring, so loudly I could hear it.   Probably a good job because I was howling past all the loonies that were driving 35, in the middle lane of the nice and clean freeway.  I just took them on the inside, while grinning manically!  “Ha!  See ya bastards!  This is how your supposed to drive!”, I was shouting.  While my left middle finger waving at the look of horror on there faces.  Arses.  

Got to bed nice and early.   Which reminds me that Teacher spent the entire day of Saturday in bed.  Recovering from living large after work.  *snicker*  I shouldn’t laugh.  It was me the week before, but hell.  I was bed ridden for the entire week!

Sunday morning and we had to dig out the driveway, I left her to finish it off – hay!  She’s a machine! – while I went for breakfast.  Nothing better than McD’s of a Sunday morning.

Spent the rest of the day trying to figure out where all the day came from.  Must have been waking up at 6:30.  That’s PN.  Pre noon!  Not been seen in these parts for a long time.


Blogger Snooze said...

Although I love to be right about things, I'm sorry to read you're still feeling ill. And reading about your driving, I'm wondering why I'm the one with the mega-ticket?

December 6, 2005 at 12:48:00 AM EST  
Blogger EarthMother said...

Why is it that driving and swearing go hand-in-hand?

December 6, 2005 at 12:56:00 AM EST  

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