Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Talk about a strange day.

A strange day yesterday. Mostly good. But definitely some surprises.

I’m just going to waffle it out. It’s sometimes the only way.

So I had a relatively quite day what with this being Turkey week here in the States. I say Turkey week instead of Thanksgiving so that I can be politically correct. Much like the people that have changed “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays”. Anyway. I digress. So there’s no-one in the office, so I was planning to leave early. Had plans to meet T, who had we used to work with. He just got a new job and they sent him to London to meet the rest of the team. I want that freakin’ job!

I had lined up six people to go with us, who all started dropping off as it got later and later -why is the Librarian talking to me? Can’t she see that I’m ignoring her. I’m typing and I have headphones blaring, hanging around my neck. She doesn’t seem to care.

Meanwhile back at the ranch. All these people are dropping off and seem to be blaming me for the fact that they have a bloody two o’clock meeting! What the hell is that?! It’s not my fault that the bugger is always late. In T’s defense, he works from home now and lives in the boonies. I believe that they had a foot or snow overnight so once he got himself on the road he had to fight his way in.

Lunch was good, when we finally got out. We even made it back by two (so there you doubting bastard!) stuffed to the gills. Very nice.

When I got back I decided that it was nearly time to go home. Just about to leave and Eldest messaged me. She promptly started to abuse me about the Pumpkin shoes. I think she was jokin’. Actually I think she’s jealous cos I got them first and they make her Converse look like old news! (Love you darlin’!)

Shortly after I left. Just got in the car when the phone goes off. It’s Mumsie. She must have finally got the message I left her this morning about the machine I acquired for her. Sure enough, she’s all happy about it. When she suddenly blurts out, “Have you heard from Roxy?”

“No, why should I? I’ve been good and cut all contact. Why what the hell has she done now?”, I say wearily.
”How about Skinny? Has he called you?”

“Like I said, no ones called and even if they had I wouldn’t have talked to them.”

“Well.. I hate to be the one to tell you..”, she says hesitantly


“Roxy’s pregnant.” A dramatic pause (I was going to do the pun but changed my my mind.)

“Ah. Does she know who the Dad is?” , I said. Knowing and dreading the answer.

“..Scaly.. I’m so sorry that I’m the one that’s telling you but it was killing me not telling you.”

To be honest I don’t remember the rest of the conversation. I was a tad numb. As I was for the rest of the day and night.

Feeling better today. I know. I shouldn’t be feeling anything! I think it’s the stupidity of it that was getting to me.

*sigh* Ah well. I told teacher about it and she was very supportive and is helping me through it. So it’s all working out.

So I don’t end on a sour note :

What you gon’ do with all that junk?
All that junk inside your trunk?
I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,
Get you love drunk off my hump.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump,
My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps. (Check it out)

See if you can get the bloody song out of your head now! Ha!

Oh. Going to see a band tonight.. Should be cool. Lots of new friends and fun.



Blogger EarthMother said...

Ouch, that's a tough thing to hear. Just when you think you're doing okay, up rises Roxy out of the mist ... it's like a horror movie!

November 23, 2005 at 2:58:00 PM EST  
Blogger Snooze said...

I hope the band served as a great distraction.

November 24, 2005 at 8:16:00 AM EST  

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