Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What the hell is it with Plumbers?

I know I’ve had a busy time of it lately when I fire up my blog reader (Bloglines) and I have eight Dickey entries to read!  Damn!  Has it been that long?!  

Was a very busy week, last week.  The office moved;  What a bunch of whiney bastards!  Enough!  I’ve been forced into a cube.  As you may recall I was hoping to simply work from home and simply come in of a morning.  Nope.  As soon as the head of the customers heard about it, she assigned me the cube across from her.  I happy about that really cos at least she wants me there, ya know what I mean?

So that was work, long hours and listening to all the bitching about “Oh, I didn’t realise how SMALL it was going to be”, whah!  You are supposed to be working from home!  Sheesh!  

Meanwhile at home..

Mean and Teacher are getting along well.  Being a teacher she has a couple of weeks off.  She must have been bored, cos she spontaneously started cleaning my house.  I jokingly suggested that she was nesting and she hit the roof!  *grin*  I know she is though. :)  So for two days she cleaned the house, and all the while she’s dropping hints about the big whole in my kitchen, the place where I store my golf clubs but should actually hold something called an “oven”.   *shrug*

At the same time as the cleaning was going on, the drain in the basement – my lovely finished basement – kept over flowing.  I called the plumber when I couldn’t even have a shower with out the bastard overflowing!  Even with the beach towel damn, it was still encroaching!  So I called a plumber.  Now I chose the one that said, We are special.  Unlike those other five thousand plumbers in the phone book.  We will appear when we say we will.  We will stick to our quote and won’t bend you over and snake you.  Uh-huh.

Teacher – bless her little cotton socks – said that she would stay at home and wait for him, even though she had plans.   She would wait for em.  They said that they would call with a time.  At 11am I called them asking when there guy was going to make his unscheduled appearance.  The receptionist said she would get him to call.  Ugh-huh.

The night before in a mad spending spree I decided to investigate the “oven” idea.  So off we went to Home Depot and Lowes and what not.  After much discussion – I wanted the one with five burners.  “No, [Teacher] I don’t have five pans.  That’s not the point!  Imagine the bragging rights when people come round and see this monster!  What do ya mean where am I going to put the spoon rest?  What the hell is a spoon rest?”.  Of course womanly reason won out and I got a sexy back and stainless steel number.  With the regular 4 burners.  I did manage to get a convection though!  Ha!  What the hell is a convection?  *grin*

With the purchase of the “convection oven”, what a happy coincidence that the they could deliver it the next morning!  The self same morning that the plumber (bastard) said that he would be round.  Of course ya know what those delivery guys are like.  Not these though.  9am  there they were.  Dropped off the “convection oven” and were gone.  Brilliant!  Now where’s the freakin’ plumber?

Speak of the devil.  The plumber called me at 12 to say that he’s fallen behind schedule – err you never told me when you would arrive, but ok – but he would call in an hour or so and let me know when he would be at the house.  I called Teacher, she’s fine with admiring the “convection oven” (I really must find out what that means).  The day plods on with move shite.  The “Ass”, that’s what I’m gonna call the plumber now calls to tell me that he’s on his way and will be there in half an hour.  *sigh*  Ah well at least he’s on his way.  While I’m calling Teacher and making sure that she’s fine with bullying the Ass into plumbing the “convection oven” in, she mentions that there isn’t a hose to go from the pipe and the back of the “convection oven”,  Crap!  “No problem.   I’ll nip round to Lowes and pick one up”.

I slip out.  Under the pretext of picking something up from the old site that we absolutely have to have.  Drive over to Lowes.  Eventually find the freakin’ hose.  Why is it that when you just want to wander around and look at stuff you find the bloody bulb right away.  When your hiding from your boss tough!  Ha!  I rush home with the hose.  The Ass is downstairs, I don’t want anything to do with em.  They sent two of em.  As it tuns out it’s handy they did.  They pulled out 150 pounds of sanitary products out of the drain.  Of course they are asking the Teacher..  “Nope there bugger all to do with me!”, she says laughing.

Thankfully she knows I’ve only been there a year and I don’t have anal issues so I don’t use em.  So were blaming the previous owners.  Three hours later and the Ass leaves with a large chunk of my savings and the parting words of “You might want to call the City and have them snake the drain from the street to your house.  We got loads, but I think it’s still partially blocked.” Bollocks

I call the City at 4:45, expecting a huge drama.  “You need them snaked?  We can’t get to it today but we’ll put you on the list for tomorrow.”  Holy crap!  Brilliant!  *grin*

Can I just say that I ogled the “convection oven” for half an hour when I got home.  

So the City boys are the city boys bang on the door at 8:30, fortunately Teacher’s waiting for them.  They stumble around in the snow for half an hour.  Finally find the drain.  THEY pull out 150 pounds of sanitary products!  What the hell was going on in this house?!  Tampon orgies?  *shudder*  Never mind that gave me strange images..

It’s a beautiful thing to be able to have a shower, and do your laundry at the same time.  With the only worry being, “When is the temperature going to change and which way is it going to go?”

Made for a very happy Christmas.  More on that later perhaps.  ;)


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Your gonna have an anal issue after this post...sweetheart. 150 pounds of boot in your keester.
Tell 'em the truth.

December 27, 2005 at 11:36:00 AM EST  
Blogger jc said...

OMG, guy, you actually got an oven? Teacher is working miracles! Hugs to you! -Mumsie

December 28, 2005 at 12:03:00 AM EST  
Blogger Krave said...

CT: What do ya mean?! I would never pay £150 for a pair of boots! Are ya mad?! It's all about bargins! Oh and what's a keester? Some kind of exotic bird? Probably endangered, eh? Really rear, but sexy. *snicker*

JC: Long time no hear; If you listen to T she hasn't worked enough of em :)

December 28, 2005 at 8:38:00 AM EST  

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