Monday, December 12, 2005

What a bloody weekend!

What a bloody weekend.  It wasn’t so much bad, it was just one of those seriously looong!  Even though I seem to have slept way too much and didn’t really do anything, I think the drain horrors has gotten to me.

Me an’ Surly helped a friend move some stuff  on Saturday.  What a nightmare..  I should mention first that I had no intention of drinking this weekend – you know perfectly well with a disclaimer like that, that it all went horribly wrong – well...

Friday night, I’d just finished rebuilding one of the VIP’s machines and I put it in the back of her car for her.  Put the trolley back and said my good nights and rushed home.   I was supposed to be staying at the Teachers for the weekend, we had some family stuff to do.  I get home and pack, I had just finished up and was making sure that my keys and stuff was all there when I realised to my horror that I still had the VIP’s car/house/whatever keys!  Oh bollocks!

The thing was Teacher had called to say that she and her co-workers were all down at the bar and would be for a while if I wanted to join em..  Well, now.  It’s not like that left me any real choice in the matter.  So I jump back in the car, and howl back to work.  Oh how I was praying that she hasn’t tried to leave yet.  It’s only 5:30 on a Friday after all.  It’s not like she would have anything else to do!

Fortunately she didn’t even know that I’d left the building – whew!

Now I rushed over to the bar to see her and the work folk, thinking it would only be for a couple.  Ya know an hour or so.  Grief started at 7 when she wanted to eat and I started being an ass.  All I can say is that in my own defense I had no idea what time it was.  It was one of those rare evenings, when time dilation occurs.  Even at 9, when we finally left that bar – with it’s perfectly good bar food, that everyone else had been eating on and off for hours – for another.  Hay!  The next one was closer to her apartment!  *sigh*

She was upset and I don’t blame her.  First row, ah well.

Lets just say we when to be early.  At least I think we did.  I was a tad, err, plastered.  Damn!

Sorry about that but I thought I’d better get Friday in before I mention the call from Surly at 7:20am.  He was all pleased with himself.  Sufficed to say that he stayed at his girlies.  Nuff said.   So he’s all chirpy and I have no idea what I am.  While I’m wrestling with Teachers shower – it’s making strange noises and stuff so I’m trying to shut it up so I don’t wake her.  I’m considerate most of the time.  It’s no good though, she’s already up and comes in.

I’m half way through my apology when the bloody phone goes off and it’s Surly.  

“I’m downstairs.”,  he says  “You ready yet?  Were running behind.”  

I know what he said because Teacher picked it up for me.  Between my swearing, I tell her to tell him to leave me alone.  She convinces him to come up and wait.

A short while later we’ve picked up the van, and are puttering down the road.  The truck has a hole in the exhaust of course so I have my window open all the way.

We pick our friend up, then the snug – three of us bundled up, in the bloody truck for an hour!

*Please notice I’m removed most of the boring irrelevances*

We get to the unit and there’s all the stuff.

“Take anything you want”, She says.  “All I want is the sofa, the bed and the washing machine”

Surly’s eyes light up as he looks over the horde.  

* Note to self:  Always check out the job before quoting on it. *

After we loaded up the stuff that they’d agreed on.  The soda, TV and end tables.  We were off again.

Now the fun really began.

We manage to wrestle the overstuffed sofa into the elevator and up to her apartment, no biggy, just a pain in the ass.  

After the thanks and the farewells Surly and I start to ponder how we are going to the “beast” up to his place.

Ya see while we were moving it, the “beast” decided to try and cause us some pain and misery.  Oh, the “beast” is the 36” TV that was Surly’s main acquisition.  It weighed over 200 pounds and was fragile.   No I take that back.  This thing had a death wish!

-  It’s been three hours since I last typed and I just thought I lost it.  I’m posting now in case I delete it by accident.  I’ll try and finish up after I finish up with the Snake.


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