Friday, December 09, 2005

Who want's to know about that then?

I can feel it already. I haven’t even been in for an hour yet and already I’m wondering what else I can do to spruce up the Blog. Oh and using Wikipedia to find out about the stranger side of life.

It’s one of them days that should be a snow day but aren’t, know what I mean? It’s bloody cold (-1°F or -18°C ) with the wind chill. (Gotta love character map by the way. If ya didn’t know you can get all those strange and funky symbols like the ° degree sign or even my Ex wife’s favorite, £ the lovely Pound sign. If your not running windows – well done! Way to go! – err from Start, it should be in Accessories. Somewhere. It changes per version. The icon looks like this though;

I have no idea where I was going with that. Let’s just forget it ever happened. I seem to have slipped into Geekdom for a moment. My apologies. By the way. Does the fact that I can never spell apologies correctly the first time mean that I done do it enough?

So it’s bloody cold. Yes. I know that it’s colder in other places. Yes I know it’s 60 in Florida. That’s not the point. All I’m trying to say is that I would prefer to be in my bed still this morning. Those lovely flannel sheets. I never realised before how nice it is to have sheets that actually pin you to the bed! Awesome.

Ho-hum.. I don’t even think there’s that much going on this weekend. All the presents have been purchased. In my case, one present and a large donation to the kids. That one present has already been found opened and used. In fact it’s become rather obnoxious. All I hear is “Aren’t you soo happy that I’m sharing this amazing music collection with you?!” Ugh-huh.

Gotta go, works heating up. Actually have stuff to do now, and “they” are watching.


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