Bloody hell! Give a bloody minute to Blog will ya!
Change control?! What the hell is Change control when it’s at home?
Instead lets do that thing that Kat wanted me to do.. Err.
Five Weird habits
- Swearing. Everywhere and anywhere. I don’t know if it counts since most people don’t realise that I am swearing. They just put it down to the accent. Even my family presumes that I have an accent now.
- I have to have my favorite metal comb to pluck my dangleberries. I like the tone the little bastards make when I pull the comb through my Phlim hairs. Ting, ting, ting.
- Flirting with everyone. I can’t help myself. Women, Men, Trannies. Makes no difference to me! Flirt with em all.
- When drinking Tequila, I have been known to remove all my clothing while dancing on tables while doing my Full Monty impersonation.
- I presume that people understand the same stuff that I do. When they nod there head at and grin, I presume that they are acknowledging that they understand what I said. It’s very disappointing when rule 1 kicks in.
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