Thursday, January 05, 2006

I would like to whine, but..

I could whine on about how unfair life is.  About how my friend got sacked yesterday, that always sucks, especially when the person that sacks em is sitting over the wall from you, but I won’t.

I could whine on about the librarian and the fact that she is now acting as though she’s a coal miner with claustrophobia – without medication she can no longer even come into the office. I won’t I will restrain myself.

All I’m saying is that yesterday was pretty sucky, strangely (for those that know me anyway) my day was horribly crappy until I went home and made myself dinner.  No.  Not a bologna (luncheon meat) sandwich, but chicken fried rice.  Admittedly I didn’t do it from scratch it was one of them chicken helper jobbies, but still I had to gather all the stuff and measure things, and stuff.   I even washed all the dishes, before and after.  Had a quite beer, life was good.  Very strange.

Also heard from my mate S.  He’s finished another script.  Time was, when we were in the same office that he would drop off a script every couple of days for me to proof read.  A bit of critiquing, bad-a-bing, bad-a-boom.  Perhaps I should become a critic.  Hum, nah.  I can only read so much crap.  Not that his stuff is that bad.  I just can’t imagine having to read something I can’t stand then having to give an un biased review.  Nope.  Not a critic then,

Any, hoping that today is better than yesterday, the weather is sucking as well.  It’s those Aberdeen like days when it’s dreack ( I know I haven’t spelt it right.  You try and find the correct spelling for Doric words!  If you wanna try start here!  See!)  Any way it’s cold, wet and dark.  Generally miserable day to be out and about.  You really want to be home under a huge continental quilt, naked with someone cuddly..  Err, I digress.  Better go to work now..


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