Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Foolish Krave and his fast suggestions

I’m having one of those waiting days, ya know what I mean?  The roulette wheel is spinning and your watching the ball spinning round.  Of course in my case there are five of the little bastards flying around and knowing my luck they will all drop at the same time.  Ah well.  

One of said balls is the upcoming trip to New Orleans.  Here I sit waiting for the hotel and flight details from T.  My dotted line boss.  She’s not in the office today so I’m waiting on the crappy mail (not male) system to pass on her instructions.  So far she’s changed her mind twice on when were leaving, but now she’s settled that and decided that her husband is going as well.  Could be fun if I can dig up some extra cash.  Then she suggests Teacher comes with us.  After all Monday is a “holiday” so she will be off.  Foolishly I ask Teacher, before I check out the price of the flight, (the room and that are covered), turns out the cheapest I can find is $600.  That’s about the same as it would cost to fly to Scotland!  

Ah well, I’ll just fly out on Sunday night instead.  Bugger, if I could have taken her it would have removed most of the pain of going.  

Spoke about the future last night and we both agreed to be open about the possibilities.  We are in going with the flow mode :)

Oh!  Saw Surly last night although rumor had it that he had dropped off the end of the world.  Or that his new squeeze is a cannibal and had eaten him – now there’s the way to go out.  Appearing at the pearly gates with a huge grin on your face.  Err..  The real reason he’s not been bloggin’ he says is that “He’s too tired”.  

Whatever that means..


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