Monday, January 09, 2006

Pointy question anybody?

So, I was all prepared to have quite a good day. I was in fact until I realised that I’m supposed to be going to New Orleans next week. Don’t get me wrong, the reason I’m not looking forward to it isn’t because of devastation. Nor the people that I’ll be traveling with for those three days. I’ve just never wanted to go there. Even when it was the hot spot to go, it just didn’t appeal to me. It’s always reminded me of Venice. Without the class. At least when you go to Venice you know that your going to at least smell the sewage, when your not actually wading in it. *grin* What a happy thought for the morning.

It was a nice weekend though. Nice and quite, not too boozy.

I know that Teacher is going to read this but I have to get it out. I didn’t realise how attached I’ve become of her until last night. She was asking pointy questions again. Just general stuff, then the biggy.

“So do you want to get married and have kids?”, she says innocently.

“I dunno..”, say’s I. Not really hedging, excactly but knowing that this question was coming up; I had sent her a questioner thingy that the Eldest sent me. It wasn’t until I did it myself, that I saw the question, babes? When Teacher sent hers back to me, it said something like, not yet but I would like one.

I’ve actually been thinking about it for a while on my own, just don’t know if I can do it again..

Over breakfast while discussing the possibilities further, she say’s “If you really don’t want any more you should get a nip and tuck.” I actually shuddered.

I realise intellectually that if she wants em but I don’t I have an obligation to tell her and in her words now, “Dump” her.

Life with a realistic and intelligent women is always interesting, I’d quite forgotten. ;)


Blogger St. Dickeybird said...

Yikes. If you don't want them, that's a tough position.
And I shudder whenever thinking of the nip'n'tuck too.

January 9, 2006 at 12:57:00 PM EST  

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