Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hum. Wednesday, ah well.

What to write about, what to write.

I have no idea.  For a wonder it’s actually quite in here at the moment.  Lady Foghorn must have gone out for a toot.  I wouldn’t mind so much that she talks loudly but for heavens sake, do you talk about the same subject over and over so loudly that we can hear you at both ends of the office?!

*Takes a deep calming breath*

That’s better.  It’s just annoying is all.  Could be worse of course,  can’t get much worse than that!  Oh unless your Surly in which case you can’t sell yours cos the bastards detonated it!  *snicker*

“Bored.”, I ask myself.  (I’m trying a new form of therapy were I talk to myself to figure out why I’m, you know.)

No, not really.  

“Frustrated perhaps.”

In a sense.  I have this bloody performance appraisal to do.  You know that bastard thing you have to do every year.  The one that you have to blow your own trumpet about all you’ve done in the past year.

“Yes.  Why’s that a problem?  It’s not like you have a problem blowing your horn to other people!  Hell if it helps, just pretend that your talking about yourself to other people and then write it down!”

That’s not nice.  I’m not that bad am I?  

“Oh hell yes!   King of the Bull Shitters!  *grin*”



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