Monday, January 23, 2006

Krave does the weekend.

Holy crap what a busy weekend.  

Stayed in on Friday and watched a monstrous amount of Sci-Fi.  In fact.  It started with me coming home and immediately making dinner.  Aye.  Making.  Got pans out and everything.  Even cleaned up afer!  Amazing!  *grin*

So Sci-fi with Surly, nipped out half way through the five hour marathon for brews, awesome time ;)  Teacher came over about half way through and promptly disappeared upstairs to bed.    Oh that’s right it was the two inch long centipede that Surly flicked off the pillow she was lying on that caused the sudden need for sleep!  Something about being off the ground so “they” wouldn’t get her!  I knew it was going to be an interesting Saturday at that point, *snicker*

Saturday dawned bright and cheerful, for me at least.  Although Teacher got herself up at the same time as me, she promptly staggered back to bed after breakfast.  She had that hollow eyed, gaunt expression that I’ve noticed so many times in the mirror the next day.  Cerficed to say, she didn’t do much of anything during the day.

Played around with my newest addiction.  Turn based role playing games, like Marco Land, and the bloody MUD’s.  That’s an old one, that has resurfaced.  There both free so it makes it hard to disengage.. Damn!

Off to the movies later on.  Underworld 2 was brilliant.  Great premise, unfortunately as with the first one, they did a horrible job of editing it.  Can’t wait till the Directors cut comes out.  Definitely worth a look though, especially if you liked the first one.

Picked up the Teacher on the way to the Texas Roadhouse.  One of the better generic steakhouses, for those that don’t know.  It being located in Oldsville, there was an hours wait.  I can understand complaining when you are in a strange town on a Tuesday and finding an hours wait for a table, but at 6pm on a Saturday, you should expect it!  Of course every man and there freakin’ dog wanna eat at the same time.  It’s like traffic on a Monday morning!  Of course it’s going to be bad.  Ah well.  That’s why I don’t mind waiting for an hour.  Some of them people are hilarious.  The ones that are in there “eating out clothes”.  Aye, the baggiest sweats that they can find, in there house.  So that they are still comfortable when they have eaten there own body weight in whatever the restaurant specializes in.   Ahh well.

After the long wait and the small problem of Teachers under cooked chicken, we had a good time and only one of those obnoxious birthday clap jobbies.  All in all a good time.

Then off to bowling.  Met up with some folk from work and some Teachers friends.  Surly cheated, err, I mean took names.  Teacher did not bad.  Of course I sucked, I was just getting the hang of it again, when we decided to leave.  Or perhaps I was getting a tad tipsy and I merely believed that I was getting better!  *grin*  Great fun was had by all.

Ahh then the entertainment really began.  Came back to mine so Surly could pick up his car then off to the “hood”.
”what the hell ya don’ in the hood?!”

Ah well ya see.  Teachers friends decided that we all needed to go dancing and what’s the fun of going dancing when you aren’t the minority?!  Let’s go salsa!  Of course there wasn’t that much dancing going on.  Played pool and listed to the twenty piece band.  Rather cool actually.

The best bit though was the fact that I could still function on Sunday, with only the slightest of hangovers.  Nothing like the evil vicious bastard that took teacher out till Saturday evening!  *grin*


Blogger Greg the Surly said...

Cheated? Moi?! Not at all. I've just got mad skills. Think its time for me to buy the clear ball with the rose in the center

January 24, 2006 at 8:54:00 AM EST  

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