Tuesday, February 14, 2006

But still I'm smiling!

Why is it that when I have a plan, something comes along to mess it up?

"Eh?" You say

Just finished my taxes and because I have a house now, I’m getting’ a nice wad back. Woo-hoo! I said, pay off the credit card! Yee-ha!

That was the plan anyway.

Unfortunately it turns out that, that would be too bloody easy.

I also having a birthday coming up and in Ohio ya have to get an emissions check on your car every couple of years. Of course this is the year to get it done. Oh and of course. It will fail if your check engine light is on. They won’t even look at it, they simply look at ya, take your money and tell ya it failed. Bastards.

The gods looked down on me and decreed that the light shall be on and so it was.

So I put the car in for an oil change and fix the light problem, panicking of course knowing it could cost a fortune. They call me about 1:30. "Yes sir it's all fixed they found a split o-ring, we haven't charged you labour just covered the diagnostic." Brilliant says I.

You know what's coming. Of course the other shoe has to drop.

"So while we were in there we found that the coolent is leaking into the engine.."


"If you want it fixed we have to take the top of the engine off..", he sort of faded out here and all I heard was rabbling techno babble

"So how much is it gonna cost me then?", I ask dreading the answer


Oh crap, it's more than $500. They never delay like that if it's less. Most people can sell a kidney or a step kid or even get one of them debt cards that the disaster relief folks are handing out for tattoos - lost? Check here

"..while were in there.. flush.. return.."

With each word I can see the dollar amount adding.

"So what's it gonna cost. Go on. You can tell me, I won't cry, very loudly", I whispered to myself at the end.

"Well as long as we don't have any problems about $960"

I gasped

"Plus tax of course."

Now I'm supposed to be driving this self same car to Pensilvania on Friday. I'm supposed to be getting my tags and stuff on Thursday. Today's Tuesday..

"How long's it going to take? If I can find the cash that is."

"Well", he says, "If you were to bring it in, in the morning we could have it back to you that same day.."

He's fishing for the sale now. I know he is.

"If your having trouble getting cash, we can do a new GM card, with 6 months same as cash", he suggests as if I have horrible credit. After all, why can't I sell both of my kidneys? Eh?

So the dastadly deed is done and I'm taking her in tomorrow to have open heart surgery. Then they will surgically insert a massive infusion of revolving credit into my credit report. Ah well. At least I already have the house!

Thank fully I had already bought the Teacher flowers, so it's all good. Yep she did like them ;)

Happy pre-Krave's birthday!

It's a lovely thing when one of your children post to your blog.. *sniff* I'm so proud. Now to see what she's been up to! *grin*


Blogger Greg the Surly said...

k, Happy Official B-Day. Oh, and if you have the room, grab a case for me.

February 15, 2006 at 7:38:00 AM EST  
Blogger Krave said...

Thank you :)
Case? What case? I know of no case! Ooohhh! PA beer case! Gotcha! *grin*

February 15, 2006 at 8:33:00 AM EST  
Blogger St. Dickeybird said...

Cars are little bastards, aren't they?
And Happy Birthday!

February 15, 2006 at 11:04:00 AM EST  
Blogger Krave said...

Thank you all and welcome Rachel, come back anytime ;)

February 15, 2006 at 3:34:00 PM EST  

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