Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The day that was..

Good day I think. Woke to this :

“Do you know what day it is?”


“Do you know what day it is?!”

“1st of February..”

“No, do you know what day it is?”

“The first of February!”

“Nooo! Do you know what day it is?!!!”

“By the way you keep asking, I presume that it’s some kind of anniversary, since it’s not my birthday for another couple of weeks..”

“Yes!! It’s our 4 month anniversary! Do you want to marry me yet? Are you getting up?”

Funny how shocking conversation followed by maniacal laughter when you sit upright in bed will start your day off with a smile :)


Also moved cubes. Soo much better. The tall walls that surround are actually baffling most of the noise now! Whoo-hoo! And I’m away from that bloody cold air vent.

Got a really kewl note from Mumsie, she loves the laptop and she is now addicted to PC’s again! *grin* Glad I could make her happy, should give her something to do while she’s waiting for customers as well.

Oh, nearly forgot! My dad has decided that he’s coming over for the last week in July. Oh crap! I better start drinking now to get some practice. Of course he’s bringing his girlie so that might calm him down some.. Yeah right!

Wonder if the brothers are gonna come over.. Ahh crap when ma Mum coming across?

Tiered now but still snickering to myself about the conversation this morning.


Blogger Snooze said...

What a great way to wake up.

February 7, 2006 at 10:34:00 AM EST  

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