Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Quit the spazzing!

I had a horrible morning of lunacy.  Not outside but inside my own universe.  I wonder now if this is how the Librarian feels all the time.
I felt completely out of control, absolutely spazzing!   How can people go through life like that?  So, a quick reboot and self diagnostic.  (In other words I sat down in a nice quite spot and slowed myself down, found the things that were freaking me out, analyzed them, then put them away).  Now although I’m not happy about being 130k in debt I can handle it.  Baby steps.  One at a time.  Breath!

K.  All better.  It’s always worrying when you see all your debt lined up for you to see.  It’s like, Holy Crap, what the hell am I supposed to do about the tsunami?  Ah well.  I must embrace the American way!

Apart from the freaking lifes alright.   Spoke to Eldest yesterday and thankfully she’s decided to stay on at school until she figures out what the hell she wants to do.  Good luck with that like, I thought to myself.  I’m nearly 39 – next week no less – and I still have no idea what I wanna be or do.

Well I know I might wanna be the Ninja!


Blogger Krave said...

How freaking cool is that! Hiya Darlin'! Love ya and miss you heaps too! *sniff*

February 14, 2006 at 11:49:00 AM EST  

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