Sunday, February 19, 2006

On the road day 2? I don't remember..

Moved on from Gettysburg. At the moment I'm blogging from a cheapo-inn. Just outside Pittsburgh. Even though it's only $40 a night, I can still hijack - err, borrow - someone's wireless connection. :)

Lastnight was bloody freezing so the ghost tour, then dinner, then getting shiters was revised to Haunted tour, dinner and back to the room with some carryout.

The tour was cool. I had my long Janes on - that's the right name for women's longlohns, no? Any way didn't start off too bad but by the third hour, it was sucking.. Although most of the tour took place inside of houses there was the inevitable wandering around outside em. It must have been 10 or 15 below zero Fahrenheit. *shudder* Freakin' freezing!

Any way what was really interesting was when they were takin' about taking photo's and strange stuff appearing. It would appear that I have a magic ghost spotting camera, because almost all of the pictures I take have what they were calling "presences" or "orbs". Like this one;

Little snowflake thing in the top middle. Most of the pictures that I take have em on em. Starts to get annoying when they appear all over the place.

I actually took pictures of my house before I bought it, to make sure that there wasn't any little buggers in there ;)

unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on how you look at it - I didn't bring my camera. I've left the bloody battery somewhere.

Ah well. I better find Teacher. She's nipped next door to talk to her friends. Wonder if we are gonna go out drinkin'. *grin*


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