Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bloody hell! The Internet is down and I'm typing into a notepad. Feakin' hell.

Meanwhile, back in the basement.

Good day, although Teacher's at her sisters babysitting. I had planned on cleaning up and down and all around. I cleaned the whole upstairs, wiped the floors, vaccumed and all that. Bloody knackered now of course. But at least most of it's done. :) Tomorrow it's the basement. I can't feakin' wait! *grin*

The Mid brother, MSN'd me late this afternoon after just as I was submerged in work. After five days off, the little buggers had a list as long as my arm of stuff for me to do - or maybe the wanna do it bug was still in me. Can't help thinking that I've broken the back of that after all the cleaning. :)

If it's a nice day I think I'll nip down to the Librarians site and do a bit of deplomacy. She's flim-flaming there ex techy. He was in Iraq for a year, just after we took over the contract and the poor bastard is getting to grips with having all of his rights removed from his little world.

Shit I can't concentrate. The bloody Womens bobsleigh is on. How am I supposed to con.. What? Where?! Who am I?


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