Monday, February 27, 2006

The unwell Krave strikes again.

Ok. So she told me not to get all up in her mouth last weekend. Sure she was sick but we were out of town! On the road! Ya know what I mean!

So now I'm suffering for it. I look and feel like the chowowah out of Ren and Stimpy. Here. Something like this, if you've never seen it..

Basically my eyes feel just like that and my mouth.. Agh, we don't want to go there. Let alone the strange creatures that are living in my chest that I keep coughing up! Ugh!

On the plus side though, I do feel better than I did yesterday!

Since I was alone most of the weekend, Teacher made herself scarce - something about visiting a friend on Saturday, then moving someone else - all excuses of course. As everyone know men are the worst complainers when they are sick. She just text'ed me asking if I was actually going to go to the doctors.. I'm a guy! I can still stand and even if I can't hear anything out of my left ear and it feels like I'm trying to cough up my small intestine, I'm still at work. Explaining my sympoms in graphic detail to anyone that is stupid enough to stand near me.

Ah well.

I won't go into it, again, but not much happened this weekend. Spent most of my awake time failing to install Linux on the Desktop at home. After two days I just went with the flow and let the installer do what the hell it wanted. Now I have to try and get the video working right..


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

you always look like Ren...or know the dog in the picture.haha by the way, stop yr bitchin'...ha hee ha

February 27, 2006 at 4:49:00 PM EST  

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