Thursday, February 23, 2006

Idiots guide to getting a day off of work.

So was it the flu? Was it all the cheese? Or did he poison himself?

What the hell is he talking about? Is he delirious?

See it's like this. Passed out about 9:30 last night, not feeling brilliant, kind of shivery and miserable.

Woke up about 1 and started shouting for Hughey and Ralph on the big white phone. You know, Huuuuuughhhhhhhhey! Raaaaallllllllllph! Aye, ya get the picture probably too vividly. Finally went back to bed but it was all over. Shortly after I started shivering violently. Felling like crap.

What could have done this? Well there was the half pound of cheese I ate yesterday. Never a good idea for someone that's lactose intolerant. Then there is the standard cold theory. Or the toasty sandwich maker that I found in a draw, that Teacher thought was strange smelling after it came out of the micro, but I ignored that. What's a strange plume of blue smoke gonna do? The nuked my - cheese - sandwich in it anyway. *sigh*

Going back to bed now, or sofa I should say. Checked my work mail and nothings going on. No guilt. Urgh.

Update: Turns out Quagmire was out of the office sick as well. That points to the evil King! We both ate there yesterday. I knew that evil bastard was evil.


Blogger Snooze said...

In my mind a day off work should involve something other than puking. But to each his own.

February 23, 2006 at 5:45:00 PM EST  

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