Friday, March 03, 2006

Vindicated! It's not my freaking wiring!

Not even bothering to read the blogs today. Too emotionally drained.

Called The Phone Company Wankers yesterday and complained that my DSL was still working like crap and they had better do something about it! OK. Not like that more of a wimpy, "anything that you could do. I would really appreciate it."

Anyway, they check it again and they said that there was something going on with the line. Here we go I thought. There gonna blame it on my wiring. Again! "Well send and engineer out in the morning if that's OK."

"Sure", I'd resigned myself to a bland and indifferent morning of watching day-time TV, with no DSL and therefore no new game. Which by the way I'm still not sure about.

Morning comes - see how I didn't mention "it" - I'm in the basement playing the game. Wonder of wonders the like is up and running. When the phone guy arrives. Unlike the old crusty bastard that had come round the last time. Taken one look at the wiring. Snorted. Plugged a tester in. Grunted. Then blamed a phone in a different part of the house.

This guy was nice and young guy came round about 9. Asked what was going on.

Went through the speel, about having tried plugging the whole sha-bang in, when the line came into the house - ignoring the rest of the wiring - and still having problems.

Imagine my surprise when he nodded and said "sounds like it's the box outside"

I was stunned.

He went outside, came back about 20 minutes later and was nodding. "yep it's fucked" he did say that I just needed to slip an F-bomb in.. It's been a while.

He's calling in a line guy!

Vindication is a beautiful thing!


Blogger Snooze said...

Yay! Score one for you.

March 5, 2006 at 8:44:00 PM EST  

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