Thursday, March 30, 2006

Strange tangents anyone?

I must try an' post every day. It's like exercise, if I don't do it I feel all stale and musty.

I also have to try and forget that other people are (perhaps) reading my musings as well. Much like my nice clean fish. They know there's something
out there, but they still putter round, not doing much of interest most of the time. Then every now and then. Bang! George collides with Stripes and it makes ya giggle. Just a bit.


My Mother mailed me. The parcel that she sent for my birthday, which inexplicably got sent to my old address, arrived back at her house in Scotland, no worse for ware considering it's round trip. The post office returned it to sender and it actually made it. Amazing. Anyway she tells me that she posted it back. Should be here in a couple of days! *grin*

The weekend should be interesting. Me, Surly and the Fandango brothers are supposed to be playing golf on Saturday. What started as a nice leisurely afternoon stroll with a 1pm tee off, suddenly became, breakfast and rush around since "Fandango the younger" has to go to parties afterwards. Poor bugger. I don't think that there even adult parties. More in the way of kids birthday parties. :) *snicker*

Teachers birthday next week, I suppose I should buy her something. Still plenty of time to get chocolates.. *snicker*

Oh. I suppose I should mention if only in passing the latest addiction. If it is.. What I mean is that I've started playing Eve again. I played it when it was in beta a couple of years ago. It's pigging huge! 5000 different galaxies each with it's own planets and what not. Up to 25000 people logged in at any one time! It's huge. Of course that very hugeness makes for a challenge. It's like being 13 again and trying to decide what I want to be! I had no idea then and I have no idea now with my avatar. I think I'm just going to get a job with one of the Corporations and see how it goes. What's the worst that could happen?


KraveSeb finds himself walking aimlessly through Ballista space station in Allorian space. His once promising carrier in tatters. He now realizes that last job wasn't the best idea he's ever had. Not only did management keep the deposit for the trade goods, which would have made for a tidy nest egg. He had also used the money he'd stashed away for insurance on his ship, to buy "novelty toys".

The pirates that blew his ship out from under him, were laughing as they collected the remains of his ship from the emergency cargo container.

As KraveSeb stared in stunned disbelief, as the collected his life's work, he wondered how it could possibly get any worse! Yes they would give him a newb ship - not quite big enough to sit in let alone carry cargo - but where would he go? He was just coming to the realization that he still had all those hours of training under his belt, and starting to come out of his funk when the artillery shell came winging in and smashed he vulnerable life support pod to smithereens.

Coming to, in the most basic clone available. The only things he can remember are: Always buy the best clone you can afford, and make sure you have insurance..


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