Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Random wanderings of a tierd mind?

OK.  Let’s try this again.  My previous effort was erased due to incompitance or perhaps tiredness.  It’s only bloody 9:30 but I want to go to bed again!

Ah well.  

So last night was spent cleaning out the garage.  Alright I should say that Teacher did most of the cleaning.  Unlike Sunday however I wasn’t just sitting on the stoop playing video games and watching.  Yesterday I actually got off my lazy arse and did something.  The something in question was the bracing of the joists in the garage roof.  I managed to put one in last year but what I realised was the instability of the set of steps I was using, it turned into a nightmare.

I purchased the step ladder from the neighbors when they had there garage sale, just before they moved.  In the batch was also a really nasty Christmas tree and a dozen “range” golf balls amongst other crap.  What can I say?  They hooked me with a  little table and started adding in other stuff for “bargain basement” prices.  

So this ladder was the most messed up piece of shite.  When I climbed more than two steps up it would start oscillating.  Now you can imagine how disconcerting this can be when you have one hand with a drill in it and the other with a steel brace.  Five steps up and the bloody thing was like a freaking pendulum.  Unfortunately it would swing in random directions so that I couldn’t compensate.  I was actually starting to think that it was my inner ear, until a friend can over and used it.  “This thing wobbles all over the place!  It can’t be safe!  Get a new one, you cheap bastard!”.  Shortly after that I bowed to peer pressure and purchased a shinny new step ladder.

Meanwhile back at the garage, Teacher is looking to throw EVERYTHING out.  If it looks old, she want’s to throw it on the tree lawn.  A tree lawn (link added after.  You lean something new everyday!) for those that don’t know is a piece of grass the same length as your front garden, but only about three feet deep.  I don’t know what it’s real purpose is, but it only seems to be used for dumping the trash and anything you want them strange folk with the van to pick up. I swear they are the modern equivalent of the Rag and Bone men.  So she’s dragging stuff away, that old table, all the strange bags of stuff that have spouted in the garage over the past couple of years..  You know the scoop.

I don’t really remember where I was going with the ramble.  Except to say that the garage is now clean and tidy with all the joists braced.  Oh and remember the ladder of oscillation?  Well I came up from watching Jar Heads for a restroom break and there’s someone loading the bastard onto the back of a truck.  I was about to step outside to thank them for taking it when they rushed off guiltily.  I just snickered.


Blogger Creature Teacher said...

Sounds like teacher is a great, great woman!! you would be stupid to lose her because your so stubborn. She's a keeper!

April 19, 2006 at 8:46:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

oooppsss....did I give myself away?

April 19, 2006 at 8:46:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

hardy..har har... She's hysterical!

April 19, 2006 at 8:47:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

did you get this...now?

April 19, 2006 at 8:47:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Creature Teacher said...

ok...i'll stop

April 19, 2006 at 8:48:00 AM EDT  

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