Friday, April 28, 2006

Vindicated, by my boss, if not God yet!

It would appear that I have to blog again.  Not just because it’s a lovely day.  Seventy degrees and sunny.  All my work is done and I’m just killing time until 4 and work from home starts.

No the other reason I have to blog again is to say how freakin’ awesome my boss is.

Now I’ve been with the same company now for over 11 years, a hell of a long time, especially in this day and age.  Anyway for most of that time I worked for the same part of the company.  It wasn’t until recently that I realised how badly management had treated me over the years.  

It usually wouldn’t matter how shabbily or vindictively customers or potential customers or there dogs treated me and mine, they were always right.  

“What do you mean they won’t believe you that trash day is on Tuesday?  I’ll talk to them about it. I’ll explain.”


“Trash day is now Wednesday.”

Oh and when the customer realised that the garbage had been sitting on the curb for a week, I would be wheeled in as the scapegoat.

Ahh the good old days.  So finally I get out of that division.  I now find myself cringing inside, like one of those abused animals that have been placed in a good home.  They draw there new owners attention to the fact that they need to go out and pee.  Instead of being beaten for it they are let out and are praised for not doing it on the carpet.   They then start bouncing around ecstatic because they did get hit.

That’s how I feel.  Called my boss.  Dreading the “they are always right, accommodate them!  What do you mean you can’t make fit anymore in?!  Look at the amazing elasticity of the human skin!  It will shrink back.  Oh.  I see.  We already used you as a filing cabinet… Well suck it up!”

Sufficed to say I was rather surprised when instead he said “Fuck em.”


“Fuckem.  If they even manage to get past the first step I’ll be surprised.”

Our conversation continued in this vain for a while.  I wanted to sum up as quickly as briefly as possible.  Him being important and that.  So I said.

“So basically, you want me to give them enough rope to hang themselves on the own stupidity?”
“Yep.  Excactly.”

“Right you are boss.”

I’ve been bouncing off of the walls and grinning every since.  Even Teachers sometimes strange music – I’m trying to expose myself to as much as I can – isn’t getting on my nerves.

I love my boss!   It’s so nice to be vindicated!


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