Thursday, April 20, 2006

I feel like a mushroom

I feel like a mushroom.

As good a day as yesterday was, today is turning as sour.  I know what’s causing it.  I mean I should be amused that there are no lights on working in the office.  The circulating jokes about the bosses having taken the mushroom style of management (keep them in the dark and shovel them with shit) a bit too far.  But I have a car thing hanging over me.

I know nothing about cars.  I don’t really want to know anything, mind, but when something goes wrong, and I need to talk to someone I don’t want to come across as a dumb ass.  That said I find myself in a strange situation with my regular garage.  Do you mind if I explain?  No?  Marvelous!

So a couple of months ago I took my car in and oops-a-daisy there’s all kinds of shit wrong with the engine.  I agree that they should fix it.  Which happened to involve whipping the top off of the engine (the very thought of which puts the fear of God into me).  Buggering about inside, “while were in there we would be as well replacing the thermostat”.   Fair enough.  As well as various other stuff.

Anyway.  I get it back and the next day the “check engine” lights pops back on – did I mention that’s why I took it in, in the first place?  Oh and did I mention that this little operation set me back over a grand?  Yeah…

“Oh.  Right.  Bring it back in.”

They call me later that day to say that they found a valve that wasn’t working.  $30 for the valve and work to replace it and $70 for the diagnostic.  Seemed fair enough.  (Yes I am getting to the point, need to give ya some background though!)

That was the weekend we went over to Gettysburg.  On the way back.  *bink*  On comes the little light again.  This is a couple of months ago.  It’s now time for an oil change, I know this not simply because the “check engine” light is on.  No.  The “Change Oil Soon” light is on as well.  And just to poke me in the balls, there little friend “Low Coolant” came on to join them!

So a couple of days ago, Teacher volunteers to take it in for an oil change. (Very sweet of her, yes I have thanked her properly for the time, effort and for thinking about me)  She didn’t take it to my favorite garage, but to someone else.

When I get home she had me sit down then shows me this piece of paper from the garage – we will call it “her garage” just so we can distinguish.  So Her garage did the oil change and because they are so helpful they had a look round.  Now just to piss me off, they didn’t put any coolant in.  Sorry.  

They wrote up a lovely estimate, which came all wrapped up in there credit card application form (always a bad sign that).  For yes you guessed it $1000 after tax.  They recon that amongst other things that the lower intake manifold gasket is buggered.  “Oh yeah and while were in there we would be as well changing the thermostat”

Why is he telling us all this?

Well because my quandary is do I don’t know enough to feel comfortable yelling and screaming.  I was hoping that if I wrote out some of my angst I would have a better feel for how to handle it.  I think I’m going to go for “confused foreigner”.  I’m going to go back to my garage simply because Hers didn’t even gave the decency to fill the bloody coolant even though I was going to pay the bastards!

It’s praying on me.  Of course I haven’t had a car payment now for nearly four years so I shouldn’t be complaining really..  But still!
More as it develops.


Blogger jc said...

Oh my cute mushroom, don't let those crooks rob you blind. Cars is what I'm supposedly selling. Have you considered trading in the problem for something less of a problem, or have you sunk so much $$$ in that you have no choice but to sink more $$$ into it? Call me if you want to know what's on the lot, should you decide you need to do something rash. Hugs!

April 23, 2006 at 2:08:00 AM EDT  

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