Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Where the hell has Krave been?!

It’s been a while I know.  Don’t know why either.  Maybe it’s because that bugger Surly has gone hermit again..

Perhaps but that doesn’t let me off the hook really now does it.  I don’t know what’s been happening.  It seems that I’ve been going home early and “working” while mining in Eve.  Since it doesn’t take up all your attention, I can mine and check/read/reply to email.  Take and make calls or read a book.


Well.  I just couldn’t be arsed writing!  There I said it.  I really do miss it though.

So here I am again after what seems an age.  Sorry.  Especially to family that I also can’t seem to be arsed calling.  Wow.  I suck!

So here’s the update and I’ll try and be better and keep up my journal just so you’s can see what’s going on..

It was a holiday weekend in the States.  Teachers sister just had a baby.  Her whole family descended on Atlanta for the Christening.  I actually had a great time.  The company was good.  Even the arm squeezing by Teacher (who was on her second flight of her life) was cool.  Felt needed.  Also forgot how much I miss family. *sniff*

Anyway, didn’t take any of my electronic toys.  Completely cut off from the Internet for three days.  I didn’t realise how much I actually needed the break.  Nice time.  Nice people.  Heaps of kids.  Reminded me of being 4 or 5.  At my Grannies house, with all the men drinking up a storm, while all the women were somewhere else gossiping about them.  Good times.

In other news I’m going to Virginia for “management training” next week.   Bloody hell.  Ahh well at least I know what I have to pack this time :)


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