Friday, June 23, 2006

Like a good lanceing or perhaps having your should put back in it's socket.

It’s very humbling when you are caught in a dirty little secret.    There I was quietly ignoring the potential implications of keeping photos of Roxy around.

In my own defense I truly hadn’t thought about them.  What I mean is that I didn’t have em stashed away in hidden place where I would peek at them now and then.  They were  simply there.  In with all my other photos.  Nothing special.

Ah.  Well.  Until you have someone point out to you, very calmly and very pleasantly that it upsets them.

I didn’t realise at the time that I completely over reacted.  I went off the deep end.  In retrospect I realise that I knew exactly what I was doing.  Like the 800 pound man.  I didn’t eat the whole chicken in a sitting, but in 30 mini sittings.

I’m waffling.  It’s painful and I’ve been putting it off since I had a very stern word with myself this morning in the shower.  If Teacher has pictures of an ex lying around all over the place, that I could stumble over at any time.  I would be upset as well.  So I’m filing them.  All of them.

I’ve just finished.  I can’t believe how very hard that was.  Nor how very much better I feel for doing it.  How very strange.

Ah well.  Talk later about the calls to the folks..


Blogger HotDudi said...

Hey, hope the "discussions" with yourself weren't too heated!!

I totally get that photos of an ex (even if they are just lying around with a whole bunch of other photos) can be really upsetting :-/

At least you got it, and put them away :-)

June 25, 2006 at 7:06:00 AM EDT  
Blogger jc said...

Photos are pieces of your life. It's difficult to rid yourself of those life pieces unless you do it anger. Understandable that Teacher would be upset. What she may not realize is there's a positive side to having them. Years later, those photos give you a totally different perspective. Two days ago, I found old family pics with ex-husband. They aren't mine to get rid of; they're kept for my daughter. It put me back years. I felt ill, but realized how much happier life is now. They're snapshots of reality, not smoke in your eyes. Hugs!

June 26, 2006 at 1:55:00 AM EDT  

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