Thursday, June 15, 2006

Snoring? I don't snore! You on the other hand..

I suddenly feel some of Surly’s pain.  Not the physical pain, I was never stupid enough to go snowboarding.  No.  The Doctor pain.  More of a pain in the arse kind of thing.

See it goes like this.  Teacher came upstairs to wake me up.  Which in itself is messed up but you’ll understand in a sec.  Just hang on.  So she came up stairs and says

“Holy Crap your snoring is LOUD!”

I’m asleep, I believe I managed a mumbled “Urhggh”

“I couldn’t hear the tv last night..”, she continues, “then I went down stairs and shut the door and I could still hear you!”
Funny I was thinking.  Before I went to sleep it looked like you were passed out!

“Are you awake?!” I wave an arm, which just coincidentally falls over my face covering my eyes from the spring morning glare

“That’s not even the worst bit.” she goes on, “the worst bit is that you stop.’

Under my draped arm, my eyebrow raises.  Bit of waste what with it being under my arm and all, but you need to keep up the habit of a good brow raise.

I couldn’t help myself.  There was a pregnant pause you could drive a bus through.

“Isn’t that a good thing?  You know.  Stopping?”, I mumble around a desiccated tongue

“Oh yes it great.” Another huge pause “Until you start choking to start yourself breathing again!” she says in exasperation. “You should go to the doctors.”

That was a couple of days ago.  Being a guy I dislike and distrust doctors on an almost instinctive level.  I personally haven’t had any bad run-in’s with Doctors.  Dentists, heaps.  Not Doctors.  Anyway I called to day, a tad unsure which one of the twelve doctors on site is mine, only to be told the earliest I could get an appointment was JULY!  What the hell is that.
I’m going to try somewhere else.  Or perhaps just call back tomorrow after a bit of badgering and make an appointment for July.  It’s just the principle of the thing!


Blogger jc said...

It's called sleep apnea. Snore like a lunatic then nothing. The body "forgets" to breathe. Then it realizes it's not breathing, and chokes, sputters, gasps, etc., trying to get air. J has it, and it's scary to hear. Go to the doctor. He may have something to help. Hugs! -Mumsie

June 19, 2006 at 4:11:00 PM EDT  

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